7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

Yep, same. Even then might not be worth it.. we'll see!

7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

Theres also the assumption the average person will even be able to get a 50 series initially. Nvidias already said a few times theres no way they can meet the demand at launch. :o

Dude I stored that line in my brain for future usage lol

7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

There will always be something better over the horizon. Im always of the opinion that just buy the best match card for you at the moment and get to gaming and having fun.

7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

Why am I getting downvoted? FF to 26 minute mark and he directly answers your original question??

Its almost like people have different opinions or something man!

7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

Yea but the corporate wars of 2034 will make it a very hard item to obtain, they'll all get bought up for cybernetics.

Who plays golf in sandals lol. Its a small thing yes but its still a lack of manners and understanding your environment. What a rebel Bam is!

East Peoria

Wow I have never felt anything close to that, ever.

7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

Did you even watch it? Thats the entire focus of the presentation. 26:20

7800X3D / 4070 Super / 64GB / B650+

He's the new Jobs.

I intentionally failed one of River's quests cause I couldn't tolerate his voice any more lol.

I mean its only $300US, so while yea its bad, at least they arent charging a ton.

East Peoria

Cant beat Vision Care Center imo. Its a little more costly but wow they do a great job. I really recommend to stay away from cheaper places, you only get one pair of eyes for life and it makes sense to see the best optometrist you can!

If they ramp sooner, their cooling ramps sooner. Say your fans only will reach 100% when temps are 80+. This is just for example. But if you changed them to ramp to 100% at 50, it might not reach 80 in the first place. This is all in general.

Repasting your CPU is just a fairly easy thing to do, so it'd be my first step. All your fans are 120mm's which are totally fine. You could upgrade them to a better known name, but yea. What you could do with the fans however is adjust their curve. You can lower the temp required to get them to ramp up sooner. You can do this with an app like FanControl.

I bought one of these for an older PC, very cheap. Has one M.2 nvme and one M.2 sata key (the one you have) on it. It'd work for you, and its cheap.

Literally no way for us to tell by a picture bro. Plug it in and find out!

7800X3D | 4070Super | 64GB | B650+

I still always feel better when I see only about 1% of people are playing with a 4090. Makes me feel less like a poor.

Your hotspot is a 15 degree delta from your average GPU temp. How confidant are you with repasting your GPU? Cause it might actually really help. But overall those arent panic numbers, just a bit high. Your fan set up is fine, thats how I run mine too. Does the PSU shroud come outr? Is there any way to install a fan under your GPU with the exhaust up? As in bringing in cool air from under the PC and blasting it straight up at the GPU?

I just noticed too, the CPU at 91 is probably the more dangerous number lol. Id definitely repaste your CPU, thats super easy. I cant see the orientation of the top fans, are they bracket up to expel the air out right?

7800X3D / 4070 super / 64GB / B650+

I mean technically yes? But it will be a major pain in the ass with no 100% guarantee of success. If you received the board that way, RMA it. Otherwise Id maybe give some thought to just getting a new board. Even if you 'fix' it you'll always be worried in the back of your head something will go wrong.