Don't use pea gravel for the love of God. Pea gravel is worse than glitter, it rolls everywhere and is slidey to walk on. Use 10mm crushed rock or limestone. It is better in every way.

Ahsoka Tano

Also the saber fight with anakin and Obi-Wan in the kenobi show. And ahsoka and anakin in ahsoka. The clone wars flashback is my all time fave, I've seen that episode like 10 times, when he flickers between Vader and anakin it is so fucking awesome! I was going nuts that whole episode lol

What do your lights look like? They tiny fairy lights, or bigger? What colour? Would you be willing to put in a post if needed? Or just work with what's here?

Dude, this is beside a road. Ppl are gonna walk on them and mix them up. White rocks look like shit after the first year no matter what. Just do one colour and call it a day if you care about them mixing. If you use landscaping fabric make sure you cut a hole 3x the size of the plant if you stick plants in there.

Being considerate of your neighbour's is hardly being paranoid. Yeesh. Perhaps you should loosen up with a couple bong rips my dude

As long as you aren't blowing smoke in someone's face or window no one cares except Karen's. Besides it's so windy here it's not like the smoke lingers and you're hot boxing your yard.

ATTE! That's a great price! Do it!

This is one of the sets I've been waiting for a price drop and I just checked canada Amazon and it still 158$ here. Booooo

Also you could add some annuals the first couple years to fill in the gaps before all your shrubs and perennials fill out. I have some tulips in a couple similar beds and they are great for early spring colour and are usually done by the time everything else starts to wake up.

Dude tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and tobacco are all nightshade plants. We as a species can't cater to every single mouth breathing window licker that is scared of things they don't understand. If they are scared of anything nightshade, don't worry, they have plenty of windows to lick while we enjoy our purple tomatoes. 💜

It's fine. Just adjust the straps or swap branches every year. I personally would just take them down in the Winter and set them back up in the spring. Winter is really hard on everything outdoors anyway and they will extend the life of their playset and hammocks if they do this.

Uhg, bad large animal vets are the worst because their mistakes cost sooooo much money, and horses can be so random on when they drop dead. My sister got a horse she was buying vet checked before she dropped 5k on him. He had a chestnut looking thing a couple inches above his eye. Vet said it was just a superficial wart and it was no problem. Sister bought the horse. 2 months later a different vet was at the barn to see another persons horse and pointed out that my sisters horse had a sarcoid tumor that was cancerous and needed chemo because of where it was located, he couldn't cut it off. 5k and a bunch of chemo later he was cured. The vet didn't even charge her for the drug because it was experimental at the time, just charged for some supplies and their time. Never went back to the first vet. She was basically blacklisted from anything horse related in our tiny farm country area.

Cut out the grass first so you get a straight line. You can use a flat shovel, grass cutter, or ice scraper.

You can get prescription safety glasses too. I usually wear contacts if I have to wear safety glasses, but it's nice to have the option.

Use a trimmer and just cut off top 1/3rd, rake everything up and compost it. Wait a few days and mow on the highest setting. If it's super hot and dry water it after you mow so it doesn't get completely fried and die instantly. I am generally against bagging up grass clipping but you should probably mow with the bag on or it will look like a fresh cut hay field ready to be baled up, and that will kill all the grass underneath.

Your little dudes outfit is super adorable! Looks ready for adventuring!

Are you watering with a hose? I knew one guy that insisted he was watering for 30 mins everyday but he was filling up a watering can with his rain barrel and watering with that for 30 mins. I just about knocked myself out I facepalmed so hard.

My city has goat employees that eat weeds in a few parks.

Lol you will need a shop vac too unless you just want to make a mess

Why doesn't your husband want to spend time with you alone? When we went on our honeymoon the last thing either of us wanted was to do literally anything with family. Does he even like you? Quit being a doormat, it's not actually helpful and you don't end up actually making anyone happy.

Get rid of the stick tied to the trunk, it isn't supposed to be planted with those, they are for transport and for when the tree is in the store. That is an oak, they grow super slow. How long ago was it planted? If more than a year untie it from those stakes. Repost another picture of the trunk where it meets the ground

Yep, also to prevent ppl from draining water onto others property and flooding their basements etc