Anti-fascist song at a fascist rally?

Interesting choice 😂😂

Aw man gonna miss this haha

Seen some hilarious hat captions though, good work

Do he know how much it would cost to raise a child with a untreated TBI, or to pay for a funeral?

A lot more

Everyone is saying to have a conversation… however, it would be an issue for me that she hadn’t offered of her own initiative.

I think BG3 is easier to play in 1-2 hour. It’s also a more relaxed gaming experience

Both games are phenomenal

If it wasn’t a big deal, she wouldn’t have lied about it twice to keep you from knowing about him.

Somethings going on, and she thinks it’s a big enough deal to cover it up. Do with that what you will

Kind of misleading. This has nothing to do with being homeless or a sandwich.

You punched someone who threw an object at you and then rushed you, while you were with your child. If that’s really what happened, NTA

Idk why you focused on all the other details. Kinda weird imo

First Waver

Key world “felt”

There’s a reason we do not rely on feelings for safety efficacy data

Not at all. When I moved here in 2015, gas was $2.09 that summer.

It increased over time, naturally, but didn’t really take off until pandemic era. Never recovered from that

First Waver

Ice packs are unsung heroes

Ice wraps for the headaches too

That’s great. Doesn’t change my advice, kind of misses the point of what I wrote, since 1 vs 2years is marginal. That was the point.

do the one you prefer

Fair, but that’s not the majority of CS programs. In lieu of more detailed info in the initial OP, I wouldn’t assume the minority case.

I guess that’s wasn’t my experience / perspective. Certainly in my EE program, there was more than 2 years of EE engineering education that didn’t overlap with CS. Not including the core engineering classes, which CS didn’t take but other engineering disciplines did.

Putin is the masterclass that Trump tries to emulates

(By masterclass I do not mean that I admire or support Putin)

Nope nope nope. Hopefully there’s a hard coded opt out to any info sharing with OpenAI. Otherwise I won’t be buying another iPhone

Until the criminal and civil liability resides with the car manufacturer, you won’t catch me using these features without my immediate simultaneous oversight and control.

US really should push to make these legal changes. That’ll force companies to accurately market features

Don’t respond, just ignore and report the number as junk (many phones have this option.

If you respond, scammers know that the number is active and your number will get passed around to other scams

I think it’s better to do something that will interest you for a long time, given the time/effort/$$ cost of college.

I also think it’s going to be difficult to get EE education in 2 years. Maybe plan for 3?

In the grand scheme, 6 vs 4 years is nothing for something you’ll likely do professionally for 10+ years

I do more with less. It’s easier to cut out the bs / non-value add work when I’m wfh.

I’ve also gotten better at putting pressure on people to justify the urgency / criticality of their requests. That’s not really directly related to wfh, but it is something I’ve become better at because of wfh.

Wfh is also more efficient from a lifestyle perspective. 40-60min gained from not having to commute, laundry can be run during work, I don’t have to take time off for utility / repair visit, car issues (flat, etc.) don’t impact my ability to get my job done. That’s a win-win for work and for me.

First Waver

Both, some will recover and others will have it for years.

We don’t have data, but it’s hard to see how this won’t impact lifespan, directly or indirectly