
This is so wrong... now I can't unsee it...

So sorry about your loss. your baby is in kitty heaven with my baby Riley, I lost him in December last year. Both look alike! I hope you take care of yourself while you grieve, your baby would want you to be okay.

so sorry for your loss! Hope you can take care of yourself, your baby would want you to be okay.

Agreed on this, the top deck on KE 747 is very nice and I have flown it several times and the food is excellent.

One year for me. It was rough but I kept telling myself it is for best for me than staying in the relationship that will never work. I am happier mentally after that.

Yes, I got mine without insurance because tired of waiting for insurance to approve and then I have to be bound to the insurance terms (rent to own policy)

When nothing changes, regardless how much effort you put in.

I thought there was hope today and tried again on the website... as soon as I clicked on a product, I got the same "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR- We're working on ironing out this wrinkle.". smh

same for me, keep getting this "{ "errors": [{ "message": "Too Many Requests.", "code": "429" }] }" errors. abandoned my shopping cart.

So Sorry for your loss. I had the same experience with some of my neighbors when my sweet boy passed in December. For me I distanced myself from them, that helped me a lot during my grieving process. I hope you find time to grieve and take care of yourself.

So sorry about your loss. Your baby knows you loved her/him very much. Please take care of yourself and s/he would want you to be okay. Hugs.

So sorry for your loss. 🥹

Thank you for your condolences. Yes... Riley's ear made him so special. He is my special boy ❤️

Yes they are. Riley definitely left paw prints 🐾on my hearts 🥹

Thank you. Yes he was. I always described him as gentle kitty 🐱 and always cheering me up!

Thank you … he was such a sweet boy. That’s why it was so hard for me to lose him…

Thank you for your kind words. Yes Riley was my special boy.