"Girlfriend prices"? What an entitled comment. Thank you for showing that incels are not gender exclusive.

Especially when neither one of them has had an adult relationship. They were kids when they started dating and they're barely adults now. Why get married when you've only been with one person?

God, I wish I could say it was cozy. We went there during Christmas last year and I nearly pulled all my hair out of my head. It was so crowded!

I know it was probably the busiest time of the year but lines for food took at least an hour. No where to go to the bathroom, restaurant reservations were 3+ hours long, and it took nearly 2 hours to drive out of the city center to our Airbnb 2 miles down the road.

I need to go back during a different time of the year.

Agreed. This was one of the best vacations I've had with my family. Their customer service was top tier.

This happens regardless of the gender sitting next to you. I've certainly had my space invaded on an airplane by all forms of people.

I was recently in Greece with a multi international travel group. We were informed that tipping wasn't standard practice unless it was a large group or service was exceptional.

Halfway through the trip I started to notice automatic gratuity being added to nearly all of my bills. I asked my Australian and German companions and none of them had this happened.

We determined they realized I was American and wouldn't push back against it. They were right. 😂 I felt terrible guilt for not tipping or confronting them. To be fair, it was always around 5% so it wasn't as bad as back home but man, it felt bad being taken advantage of tipping in a different country.

Edit: I typically found service to be terrible at the islands I visited. Athens seemed to be better but I visited more upscale restaurants there.

I agree with the title but an easier solution would be if Gez Z, and other generations, just show up and vote. Turnout is abysmal and most of these political issues would be solved by a large voter base.

I don't know why you're being down voted. Your body, kidneys specifically, do an amazing job at keeping a perfect balance of sodium in your body.

The most at risk people suffer from renal failure or heart failure. Normal healthy individuals really shouldn't concern themselves too much over sodium consumption.

Without more context I'm with grandma on this one. Just casually asking for $500 - seems to completely lack awareness or he has been asking her for money for years.

We've become too good at our jobs. Even after discussing possible known complications people still expect a perfect outcome. Surgery is no joke! Even the best surgeons and proceduralists have complications not related to their skills or abilities.

It's a good problem to have but it often puts a target on their backs if anything doesn't meet the patient or families standards.

I'm more worried about the movement from being mounted on a guys shoulder! Major skill for sure but even the slightest movent from the other guy could have made that shot disastrous for the hostages.

The fact that she's already recording it makes this way more plausible.

Or they were dragging him down and he's finally thriving..

It's probably not something they don't have to WORRY about, since it sounds like they have a mature and functional relationship built on trust.

She's in the wrong but she gave him exactly what he wanted. This is in one of the most liberal cities in America. He is trying to cause a conflict next to a hospital and a woman's clinic that provides such services.

It's a shame she fell for it.

I've been an investor since 2017 - thank you for reminding me! Seriously. I feel like an abused spouse and have selective memory about the dozens of times this has happened before.

I'm still holding (a lot) but at this point I try not to think or invest too much emotion in this company. What a crazy ride it's been

This was peak experience for me!

I've been lifting for about 5 years and finally started to hit my weight and physique I've wanted.

I had my first nervous new gym goer ask me for some advice. I was so stoked! It felt like a compliment for me and I was also more than happy to share as much information as I could.