Star Wars is the story.

The Force creates life in the Galaxy Far Far Away. It's the reason life exists and thrives.

There's literal photos of the props. Like, actual close up shots of them that clearly show what they are, which is the MPP. Just like the actual props that Master Replicas used as references for their Signature series, which they digitally scanned to reproduce. The ones Disney used for the Kenobi series. And the actual vintage one they used for Rogue One.

The people that work on the book have actual sources within LucasFilm (and I think one even works with them sometimes) that confirm the research before publishing. It's all verified

Either you misunderstood what Roger said, or he was talking across purposes, because you are factually, provably incorrect in your statement. The only times on the ANH and ESB shoots that a Graflex was used by Vader is for stunt work.

There's literally high resolution photos of the props in that book. Are you saying they are fake? That actual shots from the films are fake?

Or that all the official Disney Parks lightsabers are wrong?

I suppose you're saying that Iron Destiny Props has got it all wrong too?

It’s the Joker & Harley original story we deserved.

This is why I all but gave up on trying to keep up with the comics for the last… 15 years? They keep changing the names and the Marvel Unlimited app is dog shit for keeping you reading the right things.

Just stick to UXM, X-Men, Excalibur, X-Factor, X-Force. And add other titles if needed.

I think I stopped when they ended X-Men title for who the fuck knows what.

Yeah but it’s not ideological. The Sith corrupt the Force. It’s an imbalance as they bend it to their will. To suggest the Jedi are as much a problem is just wrong.


Except the Force is what creates life in GFFA.

Destroying the Sith would stop the cycle and maintain balance.

Dan @

Album? You buy music by the album?

Yes. Arduino is there to compile the OS and flash the onboard flash ROM.

Only thing that has changed recently on Windows is you no longer need to use Zadig because there’s a better driver installer.

I always wince every time I hear the prop clatter along the floor. As a lightsaber installer/collector I just think “that poor v2…”

Dan @

I’ve approved it just in case. This is important work.

Spice is an opium analogue. Though I get a bit confused because they seem to mine it on Kessel, yet in Leox Gyasi chews spice leaves.

The question I have is what sort of state it’s in to be able to play all the games in my list? I have games on EA and Ubisoft as well? I’d happily ditch Windows if I could.