God, the number of times that I've talked about my situation at home and people have responded with "you're an adult, move out".

-insert The Simpsons "My goodness what an idea! Why didn't I think of that! meme-

Where's that stat from? Usually I see a smaller number.

Right. This is how I used "dude" and was confused about why it worked sometimes as gender neutral and why it didn't most other times. "Guys" is a bit different but most people will still assume male for the same reason as "dude".

I haven't really come up with a gender neutral word to refer to a group of people in a casual setting since I used to use "guys" all the time. "Folks" and "ya'll" are too strange to me. At best I'll say the number of people if there aren't too many, like "do you three want to x?".

I think "chick" is age related to some extent. I don't think you'd be calling a 12 year old a chick. I don't know if you'd call a 60 year old a chick either. Then again, I don't call anyone that. It's not a new term by any means. I know someone nearing their 50s who uses it to describe women and has used it for over 20 years. I think it's more of a certain type of person. Language is constantly evolving with use. I think it's a good thing, even if I don't use a lot of the new slang

Isn't the word 'girls' the equivalent to 'guys'?

No, the equivalent of "girls" would be "boys". It's weird to refer to men as "boys", isn't it? At least in the sense of "I've been seeing this boy" as an adult, as opposed to "I've been seeing this girl", or "that boy over there". You'd think the person is a child. It would seem belittling to a man to refer to them as a boy. I know some men refer to their male friends as their boys, but it's a different context.

Helper [4]

This could be the case but honestly, you'd be surprised by what little people know about periods. I don't think a lot of men know what a period really is and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of women don't either, beyond just bleeding once a month and associating it with cramps, mood swings, and cravings.

I have a friend who recently revealed that he thought periods were eggs exploding inside women which caused the pain and bleeding. It was baffling and hilarious at first but then I started feeling worried about the state of sex ed. He's college educated and city-raised. I don't want to think about the number of men who think women urinate from their vaginas...

Nowadays streaming TV really changed that but still I don’t see any movie actor doing a long network television show

Yeah, it doesn't make sense for people who've already "made it" to star in a network television show, much less a long one. They might have a cameo at most e.g. The Simpsons. It's usually the other way around - actors start on TV shows and gradually get better projects before moving to movies. I think Game of Thrones along with streaming services really made the shift from movies to big budget TV possible because people saw how much money could be made from it. Still, only the big networks like HBO or AppleTV+ can afford the Hollywood stars and even then it's mainly for miniseries like you said.

I don't think Western media has idols really. I mean, we do have pop bands that teens and young adults idolise but they're less common these days and most don't end up as actors, they either stay singers or fade into obscurity. I don't know much about it but it seems like it's easier for idols to end up in acting roles in East Asia than for Western singers to end up as actors. Maybe the fact that idols are pushed out constantly (at least in SK) means it's harder for a specific band/idol to maintain their popularity over long periods compared to in the West so switching to acting might be necessary.

Haha well cake isn't candy so...

That might be the case but not everyone with BPD experiences swings like this so I wouldn't discount it because your experience doesn't align with this post

Gosh this is so sad to read. It's totally understandable that his comments have had this effect on you. Sure, some people might look slightly better without them but that doesn't mean they look bad with them. Maybe surrounding yourself with people that do like you with your glasses on would be a good idea. If you try talking to him about it and he still insists you should go without your glasses, he's an asshole and doesn't deserve to look at you with or without your glasses.

Ooh this is cool. Haven't seen the drama yet and I do enjoy episode discussions. I'll try the drama but I can't guarantee that I'll keep up or stick with it the whole way

Currently finishing Reset, up to ep 13. It's been an interesting journey. Now that I have an almost complete understanding of everything, not sure how I feel about it. Very intriguing at points, a bit low at others. Skipped a little here and there.

Watched the first ep of The Legend of Dugu and I'll continue it after Reset. The part where

Also watched the first ep of The Romance of Tiger and Rose and Be My Cat. They're okay. Don't think I'll continue.

I've seen some glowing reviews about the story in this game which is in large part what motivated me to play it to begin with. Since this was my first foray into the jrpg world, I can't tell if people think this is a good story on its own or if it's good for a jrpg because I've heard how predictable and cliche jrpgs can be. I've read a lot of fiction and I wouldn't call the story amazing or well-written. Then again, if you ask a subreddit dedicated to a game about whether it's good, you're going to get an overwhelming number of people agreeing because if you didn't particularly like the game you wouldn't be here. If you want a more realistic answer to your question, I'd recommend looking for reviews on more general sites with a broader audience.

I wouldn't describe the story as something that just exists but I wouldn't say it's necessarily good either. My interest in the story fluctuated throughout the game. I was very intrigued at the beginning and I loved how every character got their own story. The dialogue is a bit iffy though. There are definitely some interesting ideas in it. The twists and reveals (which I usually like) are numerous but perhaps to a fault. It felt like some of them were just there for the sake of it. I wasn't a big fan of the ending. It felt rushed, very incomplete, and was mostly unsatisfying. I think the story could've improved a lot if it had a dedicated writer as opposed to the dev wearing so many hats. Omori is sitting in my backlog so unfortunately I cannot compare it but given what I've heard about it, I don't think you can compare its story to much else.

I enjoyed the gameplay but I don't know what bad or good gameplay looks like to you. I went in with no expectations so that probably has an impact on my enjoyment. I found it to be unique in some ways (overdrive, mechs) and it wasn't particularly difficult. If some fight was too difficult, I'd go and do other things then come back to it. Sometimes the overdrive mechanic became a little annoying but it's not a huge issue and can be avoided.

Overall I still enjoyed the game and chances are many will too but I wouldn't go in expecting to be blown away by the story.

Probably the same definition you found on Google, that you for some reason decided isn't correct.

Because oxford dictionary's definition to slang isn't always correct.

I don't think you realize the irony in feeling entitled to men with fewer sexual partners.

?? I didn't say anything about being entitled to men with fewer sexual partners? Where did you get that from? I'm not defending the other commenter.

I just popped in to say your definition of fuckboy probably isn't what most people's is which is why there could be confusion.

if someone's turned off by fboy behavior, they'll date the pool of monogamous men instead

No? I'm not sure what your definition of fuckboy is. It's not about body count or monogamy. Like /u/Bobbob34 said, it's about attitude and how they view women. There are plenty of good guys who aren't monogamous or have high body counts or have lots of casual sex.

I just searched the definition on google and it says "a weak or contemptible man. A man who has many casual sexual partners" which is not really it. It's a man who manipulates women (fucks around with them) to get them in bed and then drops them. Pretty much everyone is turned off by that behaviour so I wouldn't call it a preference like body count is.

Bi Lo, damn I forgot about that one

From the title I thought the post would be something different. Bad/ rude behaviour sorta makes sense given the state of the world. As in, stress and fear generally leads to aggression or anti-social behaviour. Long term stress is particularly bad. The past 4-5 years haven't been great for most people. That combined with a loss of hope in the world makes people care less about others because what's the point?

Yeah, I felt this way 10 years ago and that's when I more or less stopped being interested in anime. It annoyed me a lot and if I'd see this question years ago, you bet I would've written paragraph upon paragraph about it. I'm just tired now lol.

Since then I've kept somewhat up to date with what's released but for the most part haven't been watching it. I gave up. I'll watch maybe a few a year, if that. It's a shame. I've been seeing a lot more shoujo over the past year or so, as well as popular anime without so much fanservice (at least from what I hear about frieren and dungeon meshi) so maybe there's hope for the future.

I'm aware that the ML is a NK soldier. The whole point is that the FL flew over the border and the ML is a NK soldier. I only said he was a military guy. I'd have to be really not paying attention to not notice he was from NK lol. I was just saying that because men in SK have to go through conscription, it makes sense that the military in general would be featured more commonly in SK dramas or is more normalised than in countries without it.

I'll give CLOY another shot.

I finished The Glory over the weekend. Watched the first ep or two a week or so ago and it was difficult to watch due to the violence so I debated continuing. I love the mystery-thriller genre so I continued. The more that I watched, the more I was absorbed into the show. What went down was spectacular. There were definitely instances of things happening at a very convenient time/ place and I had unanswered questions but I am choosing to ignore them. The ending was satisfying, I couldn't really ask for more.

When the ML first appeared I was unhappy about it lol. Like, why not leave her alone to do her revenge mission? Didn't want her being side tracked by a romance. I changed my tune by the end which was probably the biggest surprise to me.

Casting was great for everyone except the ML. Nothing against the actor, he just looks a bit too young and innocent as her LI. I couldn't not see him as a puppy. There was a part in the last ep (?) near the beginning where he looks like the 🥺 emoji. It's probably just his face, he's too cute. Would've been interesting if but oh well. Ngl was a tiny bit disappointed that he didn't.

I got 31/36 which is surprising. I thought I'd get maybe 20ish. First game was 100%, second game was 5/6 for both easy and hard ones, third game was 6/6 for the phrases but 3/6 for the words. I really don't know words, they were mainly educated guesses. Even for the phrases, I didn't know what they necessarily meant, they just sounded familiar lol.

Being familiar with east asian languages probably helped a whole lot, even if I don't speak them. I know korean is not a tonal language but I went with that for most of the second game. I'm a long time anime watcher too so I can imagine people struggling if they didn't know the difference between korean and japanese.

Fun quiz, I had no issues. Now it's making me want to learn some basic korean.

- I really can't stomach witnessing abuse. I don't think I would've watched if I knew how much there was in this show. I thought the bullying was bad enough

- Super tired of Dong-eun's mum

- I assume they bought the funeral home because Myeong-oh's body is there but how did they know?

- I guess everyone knows Yeon-jin killed Myeong-oh. Will be interesting to see people distance from her. Is Do-yeong planning to stay together just for publicity? If it's for Ye-sol, she will eventually figure out her parents don't like each other, they can't act happy forever and kids are more perceptive than people think

- I get that Do-yeong hitting stuff is to show how angry he is but people getting violent is immediately a turn off for me. He's right though in that Yeon-jin absolutely doesn't feel guilty at all

- Can't imagine how terrifying it would be to have your dr threaten to kill you just as you're falling asleep from anaesthetic

- Jesus those hits at the end were brutal

Jae-joon saying "But I know it all and I've still always been there for you" to Yeon-jin - yeah and you nearly choked her to death just the other day but you think you could be a happy family? Delusional.

- Aw he has a little sewing ki- he pulled off his own button? Lol was that really necessary?

- I think the idea of her making a move in the game whenever she's over so he knows she's still around is cute. It's weird how chill and happy he is to be her executioner. I understand being in the state of wanting to do anything for someone but he's not excited about it, he's too calm. Almost as if he's done it before

- Was not expecting such a graphic scene but this just makes Yeo-jeong way more interesting

- Why'd the nanny just let go of Ye-sol's hand and let a random guy get close to her? Apparently she knows Jae-joon but judging by Do-yeong's conversations with Yeon-jin and Jae-joon, Jae-joon isn't someone that Ye-sol would see often, if at all. So that's a bit weird. I didn't realise Ye-sol was 8

- Jae-joon and Yeon-jin are super messed up. I guess they're the ultimate toxic couple

- Jae-joon appearing at Ye-sol's class for daddy day lol

- Lots of revelations for Do-yeong. Putting the pieces together. I wonder if he'll protect Yeon-jin and Ye-sol to the end