That’s a nice look 😎

No hat 👍 but hat plus UV protection for the long term when outdoors 😎

Grow it out, beard, mustache and top; then do an epic fade, while keeping the beard/mustache trimmed

Hi handsome

Awesome build! Can I ask what your eating routine is like?

I noticed it in anywhere where I am not in Japan. It’s basically western dominated individualism more than being in Copenhagen. Not that much consideration for others for simply walking in public space.

Rated Handsome with eye smolder 😌

HSR like any other designed railway track is designed to planned operations meaning a certain speed and track layout that allows for that type of planned operation. This also includes the train sets you mentioned and a top operational speed with time table planning.

Book a budget hotel from my experience these types of short term rentals are going to try to scam you with fees that you have no recourse over.

Ear tube insertion, a grommet is put into your ear by inserting a tiny hole. It reduces pressure building up in the middle ear and can be of either plastic or metal (limits MRI) and is temporary with plastic, as I was told lasting 6 months and a metal one up to 1-2 years. Attacks went away but with high sodium intake on that odd day and not drinking enough water a vertigo attack happened with me but not as severe as before. As long as I control triggers I feel normal.


Surprisingly I would say Vienna. Just because stroads have palaces around them still makes it a car dominant space. And the city does nothing to limit cars on inner districts and devotes most street space to parking. Active mobility and green space on streets and plazas for the most part are piecemeal. This causes discomfort to walkability in the summer when there is a month long heat wave and in winter unpleasantness with gusty chilled weather. This livability is also in question when outdoor dining in street space cannot mitigate the car exhaust and particulate matter from moving cars just a meter from your dining table.

Trickle down economics, crime rate of Gotham would fall if he wasn’t hoarding all the wealth and splurging it on off the cuff vigilantism

Speaking as someone with an Asian background the culture is highly individualistic. Think public life on the sidewalks, people will not give way or yield if you have a baby carriage (maybe the last step before hitting you). They will smoke and puff right in your face. They do not have the social awareness like in say Japan. This extends heavily to public transport where getting on and off the train or tram car is an ordeal because the people getting off will block the doors, the people getting on do not yield on the sides but will block the doors. In customer service this exists as well. Typically with a hands off approach to service and a bit of xenophobia if you aren’t white as they perceive you to be unable to communicate with you at all and they don’t want to deal with that situation. Having a European proxy in your group helps a lot especially if you decide to travel outside Vienna or to neighboring countries where English ability drops.

It seems as an Asian person you aren’t perceived as the problem but something to be tolerated with. You need to make an effort to connect to people and may have to face the blunt rudeness in rejection or lack of interest to connect. However if you do connect the interest will be genuine however fleeting because people establish their social cliques here from childhood. It is much easier to connect with people who weren’t from Vienna. 30% or so or not from here. Directness is also common but it ranges from straightforwardness to being extremely blunt. This can be appreciated with people you have a connection with but as a matter of fact comes off as rude when dealing with strangers like in customer service or people in public.

Because the lifestyle is so comfortable and social constructs set from childhood or in college I was also amazed by their lack of interest beyond Europe. This ignorance of say Asian culture doesn’t affect them but it does impact how you are perceived. You will have situations where people call you a racist umbrella term or try to insult you with it, and you will experience this when bear ignorant people (if you happen to end up near a high school or travelling in Italy for example). I have also experienced this with other immigrants as well especially in the heckling and perception that Asians make easier targets. However in personal and professional circles this will be nonexistent but the separation will at least be felt due to language barriers and differences in fluency.

I think Vienna is excellent if you want to proactively push for connections and are in a collaborative work environment where your coworkers are near your age. In a quality of life it is great but you will need to come to terms with the inconsideration of society and what that affords you in the flip side on your own rights. The more assertive you are the more you get so to speak, other people don’t matter only the ones you know.

In the public environment this coming to terms means understanding that where people are and where they are going means they will not yield or go out of their way to make your life easier…with a caveat that you ask and appeal to their stereotype of you in a positive way. It is still much harder for a African or Muslim person to integrate in this situation than an Asian person, however they will always have their community here. Whereas Asians do not.

In terms of security Austria is three times as safe as the US and someplace in Japan would be twice as safe as Austria. Typically you will not be bothered unless the person is ignorant and in a crowd of ignorant people at 1 am by a train station, you will probably only get a slur if you hangout in „rougher“ areas (drunks) or where teenagers are present. Police can be quite helpful but dismissive at the same time, so assertiveness helps.

Only bad situation I had was with a drunk breaking a bottle and trying to poke me with it and at the Donaukanal, nobody helped me and I didn’t want to escalate it. Just got away as fast as I could. My mistake in this situation was looking like an easy target and being alone at 5pm 🙄. So hardly empty just the perception people have (an us and them?) and me not screaming I guess. I don’t know how this compares to asking an officer a question in the US and being threatened with his holster. So you’ll get something anywhere.

That is one company I didn’t apply for. Seems like a lot of competition for Tokyo based positions I guessed.

Thank you for the reply. This engineering role is not in tech but in the construction sector and I will be paid in the same band as Japanese engineers. It seems that in my field these companies are conservative and there wasn’t much leeway during the negotiation process for either salary or vacation. However my Japanese level is uncertified but conversational at the very least. Therefore I felt I couldn’t get a better offer until my Japanese improves as everything is done in Japanese and only on other colleague speaks English.

I am being optimistic in that once my Japanese improves if my current job offer doesn’t fit me I would be able to find a more lucrative role as you have detailed. In the future I foresee myself staying in Japan and would limit any international travel. I have tried applying to these offices that do international work and hire foreigners but have been rejected from them because I am overseas or they perceive my Japanese to be a problem.

Would you think it reasonable to work two years here in my situation and then reevaluating whether to move companies then?

I asked if there was a base to the bonus. Waiting for the reply. There is a rental subsidy but it would barley cover a third or so of an average rental. How are your overtime hours?

That’s good to know. I was worried at first. But I don’t have any expensive habits and there’s plenty of decent and affordable places to eat and have fun in Japan I think.

So in the 30s I’m seeing 5-6 million ¥.