
The headline is about her dancing but if she did do some petty vandalism on what I assume is a war memorial (isn't really clear but I assume this is what "On the square there is a memorial to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, so signs of petty hooliganism were found in the girl’s actions" means) she does serve some sort of legal punishment.


Maybe, but "they did take the airport but we managed to wreck so much of it they couldn't use it" isn't exactly a stereotypical movie tier ending.


I don't know why they play these rhetorical games. Turkey is in NATO, America leads it, so neither widespread low level corruption among petty functionaries nor high level of corruption amongst the ruling class is actually an issue. Just say you can come in if and when you win the war against Russia but as we'd rather not kick start the apocalypse you can't until you do, and leave it at that.

I think it just means 'special' because the claw uses the rules in 'Impale' rather than modifying the save like AP. I don't know what it's supposed to be if you shoot at something scare 2 or 1 though.

The difference between the two is that the lance goes through void shields at ap1 and the claw has the roll off thing and hits worse but can do more than one damage that turn. The lance is for sniping off the last wound on a titan that's regened it's shield, the claw is for a chance to destroy a warmaster. But personally, I don't rate either choice and if I wanted a warhound that specialised in killing big things up-close (a role I don't think the titan in general preforms well in in anyway) I'd take the melta.

Just to be pedantic. It's less of a threat not no threat. E.g. if they have a historical record that say's a users password is password3 and another a month later that says password4 it's likely they could figure it out.

What would win, his conviction to stay loyal to his pregnant wife or the girl who sleeps with literally everyone saying "have you considered bigamy" once?

I don't know why you're being downvoted, 3rd party apps have algorithms that TOCs based on National Rail Enquiries 'valid routes' don't, and so can find alternate routes and cheaper/split tickets so they're still useful to search with even if you prefer to buy from National Rail. (They shouldn't, the cheapest ticket from Town A to Town B should always be some sort of advance ticket from A to B but the ridiculousness of UK's ticket pricing is a separate issue.)


The sudden, near vertical drop of 10-15% (or incline if you're looking at the % that say it didn't) after the invasion and the introduction of many more sanctions indicates that this group changed their mind for, I guess patriotic reasons, since access to foreign goods objectively got harder at that exact moment even if they then found steps to bypass it or replaced what they were purchasing with local or China/India/SEA etc. equivalents. That still leaves the figures at something like 21-26% to 78-73% without that effect though


I get that the losses in Afghanistan were lower than in Ukraine certainly on a per year basis. But I have no time whatsoever for people that try and pretend that the people who fought on America's side for America's puppet government under American command don't count.

For reference:

America+Allies: Total killed: 76,591 (Most of which are the 69k allied Afghans)

Taliban insurgents: 52,893 killed[58] (2,000+ al-Qaeda fighters)[53]

ISIL–KP: 2,400+ killed[32 (not really fair to stick them into any other side, they and the Taliban are and have been openly fighting)

Just a slight correction: Orgyn get +6 on the charge and basic guys +2. Ogyrn are +3 basic +2 because furious charge +1 because close formation fighting, Lasgrifles are +0 basic + 1 charged +close formation.

The problem with this analysis is that if there aim was to stop Israel from winning by boosting Croatia and removing a distraction from the public voting for them: they logically should have had the juries give Croatia the points as well and not Switzerland. As it was, having a big disconnect between the juries favourite and the public's favourite reduced the total of Croatia and so made Israel more likely to win.

I don't know the reputation of Blackstone but if they aren't predatory and generally mutually beneficial in their offered terms more stations are good news. But it does feel like a case of "get the line that was supposed to be fully open 6 months ago up and running before talking about extending it" tbh.


What's even the current status of Wagner, are these guys fans/ex-members or are they still members of it as an existing organisation?

It's not really anything to do with the temperature, but the bridge is at the Westernmost end of the station and every time I've been there (like half a dozen times or so) the train has stopped at nearly the Easternmost part of the platform that they could.


A division is 10-20,000 men, 3 divisions is therefore 30,000-60,000 men. I don't think that was the word you meant.

What do they even steal? Surely the cost of steel isn't worth it for the amount you could carry and could anyone but Network Rail have use for the signal equipment?

There's no cap. But buying advance singles should be cheaper than buying at the machines in the station.

It's still being built: as far as Birmingham only.

Which doesn't really make much sense because London-Birmingham already had multiple different mainlines and so was the part of the project in least need of extra speed or extra capacity, and because they agreed to local demands to stick it out of site as much as possible had the most amount of tunnels. So they're building the most expensive least required section and have cancelled everything else.

A lot of people will come up with horror stories and say crap about you not being there. But frankly almost all the trains that Northern use, my local ToC, (they do have a couple of 195s though) are the exact same ones as BR was using, although when BR had them they were newish, and not many many decades old (and unless you're too young to use this site you've probably seen 125s on the cross country services.) The punctuality stats are a matter for public record and not in the privatisations favour, the ticket price isn't in their favour and the cost to the tax-payer isn't in their favour: the only thing that's objectively improved has been the safety record and that's at least half the responsibility of Network Rail that got renationalised after Railtrack got so many people killed. So all they have left is some vague unprovable subjective shit like "the staff were rude or were miserable" etc. to justify their hatred.

I'm not even sure if there were more days lost to industrial action back then than there are now tbh.

100 student course will likely need several modules. This means several tutors. Let’s say 10 lecturers. You are up to 500k of that 900k. Assuming no one is sick. 

This part of the maths is badly flawed. Those 10 lecturers typically wont be solely devoted to that one course, only 1 of their 2-4 modules will be serving the 100 students so it should be 5-2.5 worth of lecturers all told of them. Probably more than offset by the fact that module size tends to drop from 100 drastically after 1st year as the students get more specialised and have more options though.


Initially no foreign military bases in Ukraine/no-NATO membership, some limitations on the size of the Ukrainian military, some vague end to any official glorification of Bandera but God knows what the actual text in the peace treaty is supposed to be, Crimea and the separatist regions accepted as no longer being Ukrainian. Probably add in what they have in Kherson and Zaporizhia as well, for all that was agreed in Instanbul I think Russia would consider it at least a minor Ukranian victory if the canal to Crimea was still in Ukrainian hands.

Now, God knows. Putin still seems relatively moderate in his statements but his cabinet sure seem to be making a lot of noise about what seems to be regime change and increasing the number of annexed oblasts.

Barely changed a thing? That's not true, we've physically destroyed more than half of it.