I have friends who still haven't signed up in spite of me sending the link

Hello OP, my friend and I were discussing the cost of owning a car and I wrote this - https://millionclues.com/finance/car-math/

It might help you see if car is better than the taxis you use or not. Please note that I own a car and I enjoy the comforts it offer. It's a massive lifestyle upgrade and if you think you want to experience it, you should get it. Whats the point of working hard and earning money if you don't spend it, right?

However know that a car is a super expensive purchase. Tolls, fuel and car related taxes are going up every year.

If you can find a second hand car with low mileage, please consider that.

Thank you for your reply. I hope OP takes your advice.

Thank you! Can't wait for that. Btw, I used CTBT20 the other day and got 20% discount.

I will try sampler packs in the mean time and figure out what I love. Then order in bulk during the sale.

I sleep in my own balcony sometimes when the weather is just so good. Nothing in human about it. Great place to recharge in fact.

What else changed when your friend moved? Nutrition? Stress? Sleep?

Normally the variety of food we have in our home, the quantity of fruits we consume etc is much higher than what most people consume when they are by themselves.

Getting a daily wage job. You get paid at the end of the day for sure!

Their new packaging is just so wonderful too. Very premium!

Is it the same coffee that BT sells? https://bluetokaicoffee.com/products/thogarihunkal-estate
It's from the same estate, but the price on BT is more than double.

Agreed on both counts. A well connected CFO is a game changer!

Btw, FD's are not taxed when you withdraw. They are taxed every year even before maturity.

Sounds like a good start. Their annual fees is actually pretty low to medium. I wouldn't call it high.

Another advantage of having a solid relationship: You can always pick up the phone and ask them queries even for matters that they are not billing for you. For example, you are writing a deal with a customer and you would like someone to take a second look. They might have someone with expertise in their team or network and most of the time they will be happy to go out of their way to help you.

You are welcome.

If your CA gives you ideas to evade tax, that's a huge red flag. Because when the IT department eventually catches up with you, CA's won't be accountable. Tax saving and tax evasion are not the same. One is legal and one is illegal.

The first thing you need to confirm imho is if you are comfortable sharing all your personal details and is there a possibility of building a very long term relationship. A CA is like a doctor for your business. You are going to share all the intimate details and overtime trust and professionalism is going to be a huge factor.

This also means finding a CA who is at about your stage in your career and is going to stick around with you for many many years to come. Over time they will know the ins and outs of your business and give you very tailored advice when needed.

All the rates sound very reasonable. GST fees might be slightly negotiated if you do not have much paperwork. But if you are thinking long term, think of the fees as investment.

CA's do more than just simple calculations. They give you advice and some of them might save you lakhs. They also might have other influential people as clients and might give you an introduction and help you with getting into a meeting with someone they know.

The fact that they sent you such a price structure shows how organized and professional they are. If you are in the same city, see if you can meet in person and check out their office and such.

All the best for your future.

Why not simply pick the quant Flexi cap fund and give fund managers complete freedom to do as they please? It will further simplify your portfolio to two funds.

All the best.

OP is just starting out and don't need to worry about valuations I think. No one knows if this going to go up or down. If it goes down, OP can buy more and average.

It's strange your bank didn't provide a solution to this. You can do a off-market tranfer to a different demat account and see if that works. Google should help.

Refund or not your whitening skills need work 😂