It would be enough because i am pretty sure he will not going to survive even one year there

Yeah if that's something that he values then that's added advantage.

Just check the charts and transaction and it just breaks my heart knowing the truth

Buying a donut form bakery but don't forget to bake a donut on reddit

Short position is such a dangerous position just be careful while playing that

Being healthy and wealthy is my two goal and doing hard work for both

Why hide, you should try to sell them on Opensea, may be you found a buyer there

Having the enough liquidity on Kraken is a big big positive step towards the success

Me too, had no idea about the meaning of this word but new learning for me today

It was little iffy in starting but i am getting used to that now

That was a steal deal and i would say 20$ well spent there

Initial purchase of mine is also in this range but with DCA and Staking my current DCA price is near to the 12$ and i just need near to 2X to reach on the break even

Some one like me who has been single since the birth would always fall for the young women that wants to talk to me in my DM, Just joking i know DM is the biggest scam here

He is equivalent to your real son though and he loves you more than anything.

You need to be a good and environment and you erryday you think in the past you need to know the guaranteed to get the latest version and nice to hear

The quicker we know our place in house the better it would be all of them

People are really suffering and we can see that thing here.

What adding you what to do and you surely true and correct the people in her brain

When I was a kid..I dream to become a pilot or stewardess that time..hahaha..

Right not don't think that there is any news about the freeze of the stock accounts

Who's siskell and Ebert? I didn't know them...actually I do not know them..

What's the meaning of FINRA? I'm just curious that's why I'm asking..because this is my first time to heard..

Yup loosing is always painful specially when we are so close to them whether they are humans or pets, pain is similar .