Nutrient Paste Enthusiast

That moment when you are about to smash and you pull down her pants only to see that she's bigger than you.

I know, I just meant that the wokies push people into doing it, those victims usually not being far-right, but just normal people unable to live with the instilled guilt of feeling like they are far-right.

And they have the audacity to wonder how and why far right groups are growing and gaining more followers.

Of course, when you demonize people, they find groups that don't. That, or they just kill themselves.

I guess that's their point. Fearmonger the weak into joining you, bully the others to death and then drive everyone else into the ranks of the enemies. Oh how noble and tolerant of an effort, truly. I'm sure that won't at all backfire on them.

Keep the basegame grounded in reality, but let the modders go wild.

The fact that Kripke seems surprised at male sexual assault even being seen as a very serious thing, just makes my piss boil.

I'd like to ask how hilarious he would consider it if it were his own son?

As I've said before, one of the greatest things they could do with Ashley, is a spin-off(ish) game that has the traditional fixed camera angles and plays more slowly.

It would make sense as she wouldn't be a gun-toting badass yet, and would thus be more vulnerable and confused about the situation.

Jacob "(Snake) Charmer" Wilson

Dude got grabbed 4 times by vipers in one mission. He definitely earned that nickname. And the snake skin pattern for his outfit.

If the game starts in March of 2040, I'd be 38 by then.

I'm in the age range of the average XCOM 2 recruit.

But still, post-revolution, if I don't want to seem like a creepy age gap daddy, I'll have to pass on the snussy.

I'm also a bit fearful of how intelligent/mentally mature the ADVENT-era vipers truly are. Authoritarian regimes love their soldiers to not do much thinking, and the aliens generally avoid preserving their own life unless something insanely terrifying happens. "Heart emoji'ng" half-mindless cannon fodder would just be wrong.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

Pretty much. I'd hope to change that myself.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

And right wing officials praise underage marriage laws.

How about you take a page from the centrist book and just look at the both sides with scrutiny?

And thankfully I'm not even american, so that 2 party shitshow is your headache.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

I would. But just as not every faithful christian capitalist is not a groomer, not every commie is either. And unless the ideology they represent is based on their kiddy diddling, then whatever kiddy diddling that they may do, is irrelevant to the ideology.

Groomers from all sides should go against the wall in my opinion.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

In this world, bait and actual opinions are becoming inseparable.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

They just need to take a shower but then they remembered that nazis loved showers.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

Can I use the sickle as well?

:authleft: - Auth-Left

I'm a self hating commie and I'm happy for Felix.

:authleft: - Auth-Left

Yet the same commies with daddy issues tend to worship Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Even though 3 out of 4 of them were fathers. And I'll safely assume they were not the best either.

I don't understand how some of the people in this quadrant can function from day to day.

:mike2: Not The Guy :mike1:

Ireneussy was what got Huell to be reasonably happy all day.