passei 2 semanas no brasil sem usar inglês nem espanholViagens :upvote:

tem 2 anos que aprendo o português e consegui fazer toda a viagem sem usar os meus outros idiomas. aprendi várias palavras novas e muitas vezes me dei conta que realmente não sabia como dizer algo, o q me impulsa para estudar ainda mais. percebi o q falto é mais tempo falando mesmo, pois sou alguém que gosta muito de ler e por isso preciso praticar gerar mais frases eu mesmo.

N/A2 *nglish

très bien moço 😍🥳

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Lol so me quieres decir que tú tienes $32k metido en tu gaveta pa comprar un carro nuevo con cash? yo hice un pago inicial de $15k brother pero soy una persona normal . ahorré y aguanté lo más posible antes de comprarlo y ya que lo tengo puedo coger trabajos que no podía antes sin tenerlo. Y hablas sobre los préstamos estudiantiles también como si las instituciones no estuvieran exigiéndolo con el costo de entrada que sube más y más todos los años. Claro hay que tener responsabilidad financiera. pero también hay que aceptar la realidad del capitalismo y la situación económica en la que vivimos. una no niega la otra

how did you reach fluency in your (second+) language?Discussion

and what would you do differently if you could start all over? alternatively, if you are learning another language after having already reached fluency in another studied language, what are you doing differently that you feel is making a noticeable impact in comparison with your methods learning the first?

i will define "fluency" as being able to generate extended day to day conversation in correct form without needing to pause to look up words or ask the person you are conversing with questions about how something is spoken. simple enough.

i will start. initially i listened to spanish podcasts as much as i possibly could. i read sometimes up to two hours a day. eventually i began to use tandem and i struggled a lot to speak without lots of pauses for a long time. i felt most comfortable with long format video calls and so implementing those as much as possible will be a strategy moving forward.

i would have not waited so long to implement long format conversations with native speakers. i also would have not given myself so much time to answer anki cards, aiming instead for 2~ seconds per card. i would have prioritized memorizing every day words and not so many obscure synonyms of more common words out of books. i would have also prioritized memorizing high frequency verb conjugations.

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Hablas como si hubiera otra. vivo en california donde sí o sí hay que tener carro. Yo me compré el mío en 2022 cuando el mercado estaba especialmente jodido, pero pues, lo necesitaba por mi trabajo. Ya casi lo he saldado después de matarme con jornadas larguísimas, pero me están cobrando >$200 al mes en seguro encima del pagamento de $500 de la financiación del mismo carro. Yo vivo con un roommate pa así partir el costo de la renta, no fumo no bebo no gasto mi $ en boberías y todavía no me alcanza para dar un adelanto. toy viviendo realmente cheque a cheque y eso que soy estadounidense. la cosa está jodida por toda parte brother

Estudando BP

cuidado em depender em IA, acho melhor usar tradutores tipo Deepl o até o próprio tradutor de google pra botar frases. faço muito quando fico na dúvida

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brother leo este post en são paulo, brasil y la verdad siempre se me ha hecho cabrón la realidad que se vive en puerto rico y américa latina en general (siendo alguien de afuera de ascendencia puertorriqueña). o sea tengo familiares que aún viven en la isla y siempre he soñado con mudarme allá pero sinceramente lo que uds viven está sumamente cabrón. yo no me hago la película ni vivo ninguna fantasía, entiendo bien lo difícil que debe ser tratar de sobrevivir bajo esas condiciones. solo te puedo decir que está algaro y que te deseo lo mejor, espero que todo te salga bien y que consigas echarte para adelante a través del empeño que claramente haces todos los días para llegarle. un abrazo desde acá brother, tremendo trabajo

os dentes precisam ser escovados antes de comer mesmo. brota bactéria quando vc dorme

There is a guy who posts (or posted?) in r/languagelearning who is retired and around your age who speaks german, italian, french, and japanese. i believe he studied german in university and his wife is a native speaker, and the others he learned later in life, with french and japanese much much later. this was all with something like an hour of daily study over years. I am simply sharing this story as an example of what is possible with consistent study and time. I know he also did tutoring for french and spoke about how helpful it was for him.

I personally have been learning spanish for almost 4 years now and portuguese for the past 2 years. I have spent a lot of dedicated time self studying, only having taken a couple of lessons with tutors. but what i do try to prioritize is having fun while trying to produce my own speech, and I use apps like Tandem to connect with native speakers every day. this allows me to send voice messages and have calls with people, sometimes for quite a considerable amount of time. speaking will always be the most difficult part of language learning. that's just the way it is. but with plenty of practice in an environment you feel comfortable enough to practice in, you will make progress. maybe not as fast as you thought, but it will happen. just do not stop, don't give up, and let time do the rest.

Estudando BP

I use this textbook, it's great. I frequently reference it / come back to it two years in to learning the language. Very concise and practical.

sou falador nativo do inglês que aprendeu / está aprendendo o português, só queria dar outra opção que me ajudou muito até agora: o app Tandem. aí vc consegue falar diretamente com pessoas que falam qualquer idioma que vc tá querendo aprender. pode ser só através de mensagens escritas, mensagens de áudio, chamada, ou até videochamada. eu recomendo que vc usa o mais possível pra assim ter que construir a suas próprias frases ao tempo vivo pra assim se costumar utilizar o idioma. o app é completamente gratuito. espero que te ajude!

Estudando BP

I have been studying for about two years now and recently read O avesso da pele with ease. The unfamiliar word count was rather low for me and it made reading it rather straight forward. Great story, highly recommend.

Estudando BP

it may not happen in your accent but it definitely happens in others

Estudando BP

listen to lots of people speaking the specific dialect you are trying to learn / speak using. use websites / apps like Forvo to hear audios of native speakers saying words. familiarize yourself with the IPA chart and look up IPA generator resources online to type in words and see their IPA transcription to get an approximate. Speak with lots of native speakers and ask them questions when possible.

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lo de "todos somos una mezcla de tres raíces" no es verdad. algunos sí, otros no. leí un estudio genético que hicieron en la isla donde resultó que algo como solo la mitad de gente tiene ADN indígena. ni hablar de los pocos que son descendientes de africanos de verdad. la gran mayoría son blancos con antepasados europeos y punto

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mano sinceramente quisiera tanto dejar de usar todas las redes de una vez por todas pero diantre, así me entero de actividades, parties, eventos sociales también. estoy como que en conflicto conmigo mismo, una parte la quiere dejar, y la otra siente que esta perdiendo cosas cool por falta de usarla. ta cabrón vivir en este tiempo

Side note, but as someone living in LA it boggles my mind how many employers just demand you be multi-lingual and NOT want to pay for it. Like, yeah, okay, let me operate in three languages for you while the guy at McDonald's flipping patties literally makes more money than me. No! I spent so much time and effort learning my third language (and advancing my second/heritage language with technical jargon). Pay me for it!!! It sucks that it's such common practice here.

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y el problema cual es? si tanto no te gusta steak medium rare bien se lo podrías haber dicho mientras pediste la orden

So I've actually been working in a completely unrelated field for the past 10 years. During the last few years I spent a lot of time considering grad school for mental health counseling and becoming a therapist. The option isn't completely off the table, but recently I thought about law and am starting to explore career-paths there. (If you have any resources you'd recommend, I'd love to see them!)

But these are all future plans. I may actually switch to an English major at this point because I'm taking longer than I'd like to complete my undergrad. I'm also still working full-time. I just want to get it over with so I can take the next step and continue with this career transition, whether that be in psych or law. Plus, now that I'm looking at paralegal jobs, I see there aren't really any super specific degree requirements, just, "Have a BA."

🟦:3stripes:🟦 Blue Belt

I'm a seasoned blue belt (started end of 2017) and this didn't click for me until the last year or so. There are no belts in wrestling. The young, inexperienced true freshman has to take on the fifth year 2-time NCAA champ -- that's just how it goes. Whether they lose by tech fall or put up a takedown or two, they don't agonize over the perceived skill difference. They just go out there and give it their best and get back to work.

I feel like training a ton more no-gi has helped reify this in my brain. Belts obviously are on average an indication of skill level, but we all know plenty of competition blue/purple belts who are submitting brown and black belts in the gym. It just does not matter. Better to just study, show up, train, let the chips fall where they may, go home, rinse & repeat.

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learning spanish is the single most important thing you can possibly do. start there.

I think having a talk with them where you try to understand their point of view would be very helpful. Ask what their concerns are, and ask precisely what is the reasoning behind the rule they created for you regarding you not being able to join a club unless it's academically related. Once you hear their reasoning, respond back summarizing what they have said to you, making sure they feel you have properly listened and heard what their argument is. Then, make your points. Show them that your Judo practices will never be in conflict with your classes or study time. And if they do, you will cut back on them or take brief pauses from practice as necessary until your course work or study becomes lighter. Additionally, I took a bio psychology class wherein we learned that exercise actually has a strong positive impact on learning, through a sort of neurological priming effect. If I remember correctly, exercise creates more neuro-ganglia, facilitating the ease of neuron synapsis & long-term memory consolidation, which is crucial to learning. maybe find some actual articles and research papers to show to your parents as evidence. Lastly, try to really stress how important Judo is to you and your general well-being. It really comes through in this post, so make sure you emphasize to them with the same level of care so that they can really get an understanding for how truly essential it is for you. In doing all of this, let them know your education and doing as best as possible within your academics is and will continue to be your top priority. Show them your academic achievements will not be affected by your participation in Judo. If all else fails, maybe even strike a deal with them saying you will agree to quit if after your first exams, you receive poorer than expected marks. Something like that, so they can feel reassured. Best of luck, and I hope you can continue to practice Judo.

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creo que solo se requiere un año de residencia allá pa empezar el trámite de nacionalización si mal no estoy, pero eso si uno es Latino, o sea, proveniente de américa latina. sé que siendo estadounidense hay que estar allá por cómo 10 años (!!!!) para luego hacer la solicitud. por eso dicho documento de ciudadanía puertorriqueña sí lleva mucha importancia. suerte con el proceso.