I disagree. Given his writing style that makes total sense. I do think it is invalid at this point. 11 years is long enough to work it out if he wanted to imo.

What we do have proof of: his comments have been not accurate in the past. Whether he is lying deliberately or honestly mistaken is irrelevant to the proof any comments he makes cannot be trusted.

You cannot logically compare WoW to the last 2 books anymore. The amount of time between DoD and WoW is so much greater than any prior gap it is not a logical comparison anymore. Edited for typo

Well, you definitely have to outright ignore facts in order to have this optimism, so.

Why would you believe him at thus point? He says he is working on it, that doesn't mean he is. Seriously, he has lied about this repeatedly for years. I don't understand ignoring that, especially when he only seems to mention Winds when he is hawking other products.

What a weird way to showcase your insecurity and bigotry in public

Why? That isn't possible. Ignoring facts you dislike is willful ignorance, not faith. We have a clear and supportable in fact pattern of behavior that stretches over a decade. There isn't any faith at this point. Hope, sure. Faith? Nah.

Because after 12 years of him being alive and well and not finishing the book, it's super obvious he isn't going to finish regardless of his health. It's just morbid to talk about as well.

I honestly disagree. I think he gave up years ago and just isn't telling us because that would put all of the other ASOIAF stuff he IS working on at risk, like HOTD, which he said years ago he wouldn't even finish the underlying book until he was done with WoW..... he is showing us he will never finish every time he misses a deadline, every time he does a convention or an interview or a side project. After over a decade of false promises, it's deliberate.

Of course he had to make that post. He always throws it in there when he is promoting some other project..... he wants people to stay interested in the stuff he is doing, and other ASOIAF stuff like HOTD, and many people would lose interest if he admitted he was not actually planning go finish it. At this point he is literally the boy who cried wolf, but he is making millions off his unfinished story.

Based on what? Never mind. Stay a sweet summer child. Must be nice.

No Jon, No Tyrion, Brianne, Jaime, Arya...... definitely show based. Not horrible but it missed a lot

They aren't. They have already said S2 will be summer 2024. Those special effects take time.