Cologne was also essentially empty. It went from a population of nearly 800k pre-war down to 10k in the Spring of 1945, due to all the bombings and evacuations.

Idk found a new country? (just a European here used to 1000sqf gardens)

Tolle Antwort - differenziert und fundiert!

Necroposting: Ist das alles rechtens? Mein AG hat umgestellt und bekomme Gehalt jetzt auch per SWIFT. Kann ich die Gebühren vom AG einfordern? Kann ich dem ganzen widersprechen? Überweisung jetzt auch keine direkte Referenz mehr auf meinen AG, sondern kommt von einem Dienstleister. Gibt es Probleme mit der Steuer? Arbeitsvertrag spricht nur von "bargeldloser Überweisung".

Oh a DePi! Pearl index be damned

Hence the poker wisdom: "AK - Anna Kournikova - Looks great, but rarely wins!"

Denmark. Accent is very telling and the window latches are so very danish. Car license plate, too :)

Der Laden auf der Ecke ist der ursprüngliche Oruç und ist auch wieder Oruç. Er ist also nicht umgezogen, sondern war "temporär" wegen Renovierung (2+? Jahre) in dem Laden direkt neben Freddy Schilling.
Oruç gibt's seit Ewigkeiten und war immer toll. Leider zuletzt viel zu trocken und langweilig gewürzt :/

Best advice in this thread by miles.

Mate, you really need to wrap your head around the concept of liability especially while being one.

The house insurance pays the landlord. They ask for your liability insurance because they already have an idea that you are liable for it, so that they pay the house insurance. If your negligence is within cover, this ends there. If not, then either your insurance fights the claim by the house insurance or the house insurance covers and reclaims from you. It's very likely they'll drop you after that either way.
That's why the criminal proceedings that might or might not be ongoing are very important as insurances like to piggyback the outcome when considering to sue you.

Very fair comment, but stove/countertops blah can be sorted out with his friend. Brandsanierer will do electricity and walls and it's likely the major part of the damage.

And before the downvotes by the righteous folk come: of course, prevent or compensate any damages to your friend and to some extent the landlord. Own up to it by all means, but there is no need to be upfront to either insurance or police at this point. The consequences can be really disproportionate. Ideal course would've been: Landlord contacts Gebäudeversicherung, they contact your Haftpflicht, they sort it out between them.

This. Honecker grew up in Saarland and it was somewhat noticable especially when compared to Ullbricht's strong saxonian accent.

Gothic type eh? Do you happen to like those big Gothic cathedrals in Europe?


Get a lawyer. Ignore the comments here. You fucked up, but so what, we all do. Insurances have the money.Have you shared how it went down with insurance? Bad idea. Don't tell any party involved anything, except maybe your friend.Yes, this might be gross negligence, but you don't have to tell insurance exactly how it went down at this point. This can, and likely will, result in criminal charges if police was around. "fahrlässige Brandstiftung" is a real thing and it's bad. And since no one else was in the flat with you, this will be tough to fight. Honestly get a lawyer for the insurance thing but they will likely advise you to get a criminal lawyer as well. Its very likely police will proceed with charges for "fahrlässige Brandstiftung".
If this will result in criminal charges, the insurance will likely wait for the result of those proceedings (trial unlikely, but even Strafbefehl will be bad). If nothing comes of it, it'll improve your position with insurance significantly.
Also, the police thing will hit you out of the blue when you're just coming to terms with the potential debt you incurred. Any time between 2-6 weeks after the fact. As with the insurance - do not talk to the police! There is no legal obligation to do so.

They're not interchangable though due to the different release inhibitors used, see e.g.
The improved gradual release mechanism with Concerta might be exactly why the medication was changed.

I was talking about the past, hence the "EU UK" and use of past tense. Christ.

EU-UK didn't require EU citizens to have passports for entering/residing.

Zulauf von Badewannenarmatur (Abzweig zwischen Armatur und Wand) oder vom Boiler drüber. Ablauf gekürzt in die Wanne hängen. Strom ggf. von außerhalb des Badezimmers durch Bohrung?