The cable in the pic isn't rated anywhere near high enough to connect a generator, this one is just a bad idea all around. I've seen some like this used for dumb shit like connecting two strands of Christmas lights together when someone runs them the wrong way and you need to connect the two female ends

Here we call them widowmaker cords. Honestly a fucking terrible idea to sell them in general hardware stores. A person that knows how to use one will almost certainly have the parts on hand to just make one if they need... Having it on a shelf at your local hardware shop is asking for someone to kill themselves or an electrician

Servus! Munich is amazingly expensive, and only getting worse.

This is stupid. The easiest way is to look at them, then look away. If you see them again after a while, it's a crocodile. If you see them later, it's an alligator.

Me, my wife, and our dog, but she works fully remote so one room is her office

Yeah honestly i'm in this situation. I moved here for a 2 year contract and just threw money at the problem to get it done with. I pay 3k warm for 90m2 in Bogenhausen.

Me too...I was previously pro ban but now I'm super pro ban because fuck oracle.

it's in the standard free warbond on page 5, i bet you already have it and forgot about it like i did lol

I would be more worried about the chaos and traffic getting in and out of that area than finding a parkhaus. If I were you i'd park at one a couple of stops along the u3/u6 and just take the ubahn to get in and out of the chaos and then drive off.

exactly this. You can't just say "nah, i'm good" when governments in countries you operate in with this significant of a stake fine you, lmao. You can appeal, you can go through legal processes and make threats to leave, but in the end if you're doing hundreds of billions of dollars of business in annually (2023 european revenue was around 100 BN), they're going to get their money.

Apple won't leave the EU for the massive loss in revenue alone. They'll play some childish retaliatory bullshit like withholding features from the EU market under the guise of "DMA risk" like they are with the new AI features and hope they can get their zealots to foam at the mouth and put pressure on lawmakers to let them continue doing what they're doing.

From basically an unknown, one man shop in a mall nonetheless. Linus even pretended to not know shit about computers and the guy hooked him up incredibly. These assholes on the other hand know the customer doesn't know anything and is trying their hardest to screw them.

That's like saying racism doesn't exist anymore because a black man was president twice

It's actually surprising how little people are taught about an incurable epidemic that spreads in an activity almost every human (I see you ace folks 🤜🤛) is hard wired to participate in. The amount of people that had no idea that things exist that can virtually eliminate your chances of contracting HIV is surprising. Especially with stuff on the market right now, you can get a shot once every other month that nearly makes you immune.

I have friends that will go on birth control when they're single and dating "just in case", but none of them knew this was a thing until we talked about it. If you're going to take a pill daily to prevent having a baby from a random, why not also take a pill or a shot to prevent getting HIV from a random?

Last rant: I know many closeted people that will engage in hyper risky cruising or hookup scenes every once in a long while. Their justification is that they don't do anything risky often enough to need a prescription or need to hide the fact they "go out" once every few months. PLEASE talk to a doctor about PrEP anyway, and keep the bottle around if you need it. Studies show you can pop two an hour before engaging in risky activity and then one a day for the next two days and still have an 86% efficacy (211 method). Better yet, drop in for a viiv shot once every other month and dont worry about it. I'm not a doctor, just a kinky dom, so please talk to your doctor about it!

Eh, PrEP has been around for over a decade, is taken by a massive amount of people as a daily and provides 99% efficacy and HIV hasn't mutated around that yet. Viiv came out a few years ago and is an evolution of that that only needs an injection once every other month to provide protection. This is another evolution of that that requires one injection every 6 months.

Natural evolution of a known working preventative mechanism, not a cure so the mechanisms that make HIV difficult to cure don't really apply

throw a buttermilk fried chicken strip between that biscuit and cover it all in gravy and you have the meal of the overweight gods. by far my favorite comfort food breakfast

lmao, so is blind denial. a dog biting people 36 times visciously isn't "just communication," unless the message they're trying to communicate is "FUCK YOU I'M A SHITTILY TRAINED DOG". sorry you were wrong, but sometime that happens and you just gotta deal with it. have a good day.

No, your point was to try to downplay a dog biting people in a vicious manner 3 dozen times in 3 months as “well maybe it’s just misunderstood and is not actually hurting people and just communicating”.

In reality, we do understand. it’s a shittily trained asshole of a dog that is a danger to everyone around it as it’s proven by sending people to surgery.

new documents show over 3 dozen bites. there are records of bites so severe the victims needed stitches. That's a pretty clear indicator of an absolutely shittily trained dog.

except, this isn't that. the dog was literally banned from the white house because he's biting the shit out of secret service agents on a ridiculous frequency and hard enough that the agents on several occasions required stitches. That's not simply "communication". If your dog or anyone else's dog was aggressively biting people on the average of once a week over a 9 month period hard enough to send them to surgery, they would not be "simply communicating" and absolutely an incredibly shittily trained dog that's a danger to people around it.

How about 24-36? Documents show over 9 months there were at least 24 biting incidents in the white house with possibly over 3 dozen incidents, having sent several of them into surgery for stitches. That's a pretty clear definition of "aggressive animal"

Same reason some people believe in, worship, and commit all sorts of atrocities in the name of imaginary sky people.

If you're committed to believe in something, you'll find a reason to stick by it no matter what.

Yes, they used ai to generate the bottle artwork 😅

as non eu, it's actually quite difficult as there are a limited number of non-eu work visas available per year. Basically the only shot you have is to look for a company that will sponsor you. it would probably actually be easier to get EU residency via blue card then you can pretty easily get an L, B or G permit into switzerland and start your own company/freelance, or take time to find a job without having to leave.