SpaceX, or Elon, has already said the ticket would be round trip. Whether space/fuel/ships are available, or people survive long enough to use the ticket is yet to be resolved. It will never be a daily departure.

The retail passengers will have to wait for propellant production and orbital mechanics. But they won't pay to come home.

Native Martians is an open question. Of course the first dual citizens are likely to be born on the outbound leg but people on Mars are gonna make babies too, as humans do no matter where they are. Whether they're dual citizens or exclusively Martians depends on the laws of the countries of their parents. How they pay to visit Earth if they physically can will be an interesting question when it comes up. It might be physically impossible as Earth gravity is so much more that their Mars born bodies can't handle it.

Let's be honest. After a few bold explorers and former test pilot types it's gonna be whoever can pay the most, or get it paid for them. The prairie schooner types will be long behind.

At some point the profit margin on a new home becomes so insane that everyone who can is building houses instead of whatever else they were doing. And then prices come down.

People don't watch NASCAR for the exciting left turns.

If your work really needs you to move that badly they can eat the $200K + gross up to income tax.

Put your outrage here in the comments because at least here they are paying someone for using your brilliant prose, even if it isn't you.

We are going to have to move pretty soon for a job in a different city.

This happens to everybody. So common.

It's a fairly new marketing push so of course it's going to soar.

Naturally you don't get rich lending money at no interest so obviously they're counting on more loans going over but not defaulting.

As usual, the only people who should use this lending vehicle are the people who could comfortably pay cash up front.

Ahem. I didn't put bow ties in my second project.

Apparently there are a lot of us still. Glad to see that.

It's really that complicated.

Ok both of you...

elude : to get away

allude : to imply or reference

I do this. Sometimes I double stick tape the scrap on.

No. I haven't got that long. Neither does Elon. Therefore it will be before that.


If you don't see the Interregnum of The Prophet coming in the daily news you likely get yours from a different source than me.

Edit to add:

Nehemiah Scudder is the theocrat called the "Prophet" whose followers overthrew the United States government and instituted a theocratic dictatorship which controlled the country for several generations in Robert A. Heinlein's novella If This Goes On---

It's burning up on return. It covers the capsule reentry heat shield so it has to be ditched. If they test this item at all it will be thrust tests on orbit. Unlikely they would want crew aboard for that maneuver.

Customer satisfaction is the only real metric.

I can see them saying they need to test the service module in orbit with some unmanned maneuvering tests that will deplete the fuel so Butch and Suni are going to have to hitchhike home.

Differentiation, technical progress, and intellectual property. Pick three.

I assume someone senior has fresh bite marks on his sitting parts.

You can have the gratification you will earn tomorrow in advance today for a premium called interest. You can have the gratification you earn today, today at today's prices. Or you can delay your gratification until the earnings of yesterday have compounded and earned more gratification for you while and until you find the perfect deal.

Those are your choices. Those are the same choices everyone has had, forever. You're not being cheated by anyone but yourself.