Yeah, pay wildland firefighters more. It's a slam dunk. It's a crime how low they are paid.

Urban firefighters though are fairly well paid.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Basically about week ago, a TCU fan said SMU would never compete with TCU in recruiting, and since then y'all have been reeling them in.

It's nuts. I wish I had disagreed with him at the time, because I felt like there was no reason you couldn't recruit just as well as TCU now that you are in P5 and have the boosters behind you, but alas I was silent.

Congrats to you, but save some of those North to central Texas recruits for OU!

But you can't just be the local Stalin, and network your way out of it.

Either the neighbors are apathetic, or they actually think the HOA board is doing a good job.

If the HOA is disruptive in some way, then you need to make sure everyone knows about it.

It's a democratic system, which is never perfect, but you have recourse of running yourself, or at least supporting the good candidates while letting everyone else know about bad candidates.

I know there are many HOA horror stories, but there are plenty of HOAs that are completely functional, and they do serve a purpose in dealing with community property and making sure a neighborhood isn't trashed.

It's better to try for the best fight though. Newsom is not the candidate who can pull in more votes than Biden. Whitmer likely could though.

But it can write you a poem about washing clothes.

IoT still is a boon for both hackers and computer security folks.

True, I remember when everyone was constantly talking about COM and how revolutionary it was.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

They did. But I just think it would be awesome to face the Pokes again 1 time since the series is canceled, especially in the playoffs.

Playing someone in your conference twice became commonplace once divisions went away.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

SMU flipping a TCU commit and a TTU commit in the same day.

Bags of money being thrown around in North Texas?

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

For sure, and if he can repeat his mentor Rocky Long's success, they won't make the same mistake again and look elsewhere.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Damn that would be awesome.

It's true, but I believe the hatred of California Democrats is stronger than misogyny.

I do think misogyny worked against Hillary Clinton, but also she had a lot of other things going against her, including Comey's non-announcement, and the fact that she just ignored the mid-west.

I just don't see Newsom getting key swing states. We need someone from the heartland or the South.

And yes, the other side isn't persuadable, but it will galvanize the opposition to go against someone like Newsom and potentially swing the undecided voters.

I agree, but I think Newsome will energize the opposition too much.

As long as we are talking about putting candidates who could potentially win out there, we need to exclude Democrats from California. It's just seen as the People's Republic by the other side.

I think Newsome would be a very good president, and surely a million times better than Trump, but I also think we'd run into a lot of problems getting him elected in the swing states. Whitmer would likely do better than Newsome.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

There are 8 Jumpman schools. It's a brand and Blake Griffin is a brand ambassador.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

What other schools are sporting the Mahomes jerseys? None.

When Jumpman came out, Cincy, St. John's, and NCA&T preceded UNC in using the logo.

I am not sure why you singled out Oklahoma, but OU didn't start using the logo until it was truly a global brand, 20 years after its inception.

BTW, here is Michael Jordan in Oklahoma, inducting Westbrook into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame (2 years before OU took the Jumpman logo).

Also, Blake Griffin is a Jordan Jumpman brand ambassador, so there is some tie there.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Plenty of teams might be in the SEC championship game.

Texas is way hyped right now, but they are replacing every offensive skill position besides QB, lost three key pieces on their d-line, and have a secondary that is maybe good, but not great.

I am not saying UT couldn't potentially make it, but so could Mizzou, OU, Ole Miss, Bama. UGA seems like the real lock though.

Why would a firehouse allow you to park a box truck and trailer?

We certainly wouldn't allow that at my station.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

I disagree on that. Damonic Williams and Da'Jon Terry should be a dominant combo on the inside.

Woody Washington may not be elite, but he's still very good and very experienced. Behind him we have some younger players who are very talented.

For me the main question mark is at edge. We have PJ and RMT, who are supremely athletic, but only have seemed to flash occasionally in the past. We need them to live up to their potential and consistently rush the passer. I think every other position including DE looks great.

But overall, our defense hasn't looked this good on paper for a long time.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Our offense and defense were pretty balanced statistically last season. Offense was ranked 9th and defense was ranked 11th by FPI efficiency.

But we return all of our best defenders, have younger talented players who will have more of an impact, and also added some key defenders out of the portal. I expect our defense to be top 5. Note that it was 1st ranked by Venables' third year at Clemson.

On offense we have a new young, sophomore QB starter, but are loaded with talent. We also have a new OC who will focus on complementary football instead of constant HUNH (Hurry Up No Huddle) offense. Our o-line will have 3 new starters. It remains to be seen if we have some growing pains there, but based on talent I bet we are at least top 15.

As you can see, most expect our defense to be the main strength next season.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

I agree, but Riley still probably thinks he'd be successful, especially as he looks at BV's recruiting classes.

I am glad Riley's gone, but, I do believe he has some regrets, and those will increase if he has another rough season.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Had he stayed and been successful he'd have a similar amount of money.

I also think that for coaches they still want to win. He doesn't want to be the next Fisher.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Yeah, that was a cheap shot. Not really a sucker punch though, as Vince could have seen, and expected it.

Sometimes big people like VY have no clue about how to actually fight as nobody ever challenges them. Also, when you are famous and big that becomes doubly true because you typically have bodyguards to fight for you.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Uh, just to be clear, you aren't talking about Jimmy Greenbeans, right?

Let's just call Riley the doughy-soft, larval-form of Kliff Kingsbury, because I like our current Greenbean.

:oregon: :oklahoma: Oregon • Oklahoma

Speed D would not fly in the SEC. Hell, their fatties would probably have been faster than Grinch's slimmed-down linemen.