The fact that Zoro took so long to beat Lucci when he was the one in hurry explicitly confirms that Zoro wasn't in control

Kidd won't even see where attacks will be coming from

Where did they state that strong will power will unlock it? It's genetic. You either have it or not.

If he gets ACoC, he will likely be mid YC1. Zoro went from mid YC to Top YC1 or low YC+. Meanwhile, Doffy is barely YC. So, mid YC1 should be his limit

No need to mention "all 3 types of haki". Almost all villians now have CoO and CoA. And, CoC is just a gift. He doesn't know how to use ACoC. So, it's worthless.

Doubt it. Cracker was high YC3. Luffy got haki bloom as usual after fighting Doffy and mastered G4 more. So, he became genuine YC3 after beating quassi YC3.

After he beat Cracker, he became high YC3. Even then, he was overwhelmed by Katakuri.

He learnt FS and he also improved his base capability.

That's just Classic Villian Line Authors put to make villians seem strong. But it works as opposite. We know that there are several top tiers strong enough to give both BM and Kaidou good fight. So, them not taking damage just means that they are hiding and not challenging anyone worthy

It's difference between Main Arc Villian and a nirmal arc Villian. Even if the normal villian fodderizes that main villian, he can't shine much when it isn't his exclusive arc.

Crocodile had gotten retconned in MF and he had 2 years timeskip.

There are already too many relevant characters in One Piece. Doffy doesn't have any role and there is no meed for him to be retconned. Dude was hardcapped at quassi-YC3 for many years. Reaching high YC3 is already good powerup. Remember, G4 Luffy was barely YC3 at WCI start.

I doubt he would be relevant to story related to power. So, he will go from quassi YC3 to real YC3

I forgot. I thought it was zeus who brought rain.

Luffy did not stop getting fat. and as we have seen, the simple activation of the 4th gear has so much energy that Luffy's ball is literally depleted before our eyes. he hasn't used it since then, not once.

What are you saying? Luffy's G4 doesn't do anything like that. Only Tankman does that. Luffy waited 10 minutes in G4 and activated it. Luffy also activated Gear 4 multiple times against Katakuri.

Destroying a laser doesn't mean he doesb't gets mid diffed. Sanji is at best low YC+. He will get mid diffed by Kizaru. He will likely get stronger in next arc.

Dude, why do you think Luffy would fight in base for 11 hours?

He uses Zeus and homies to run when he runs out of time and then uses G4 and rinse and repeat.

He can create it indefinitely because he was doing that for 11 hours. Luffy was eating them continuously.

Doflamingo hasn't shown any move to be able to blitz Cracker. Cracker can stay in armor which can take atleast 2 G4 attacks + many G2/g3 attacks. Meanwhile, Soldiers can block Doflamingo's attack with sword and shield.


The battle would be much different from how it happened. Kaidou's attack would do less damage while Luffy's would do more damagem. In terms of actual proper attack, Luffy only landed unnamed WSG( without Fire and Muscle Baloon) and normal gatling. Current Luffy has many more proper attacks.

Mihawk is called Hawk eyes. So, either his eye is very good or he can sense anyone approaching at very long distance. As soon as he finds Fujitora approaching him, Mihawk would dip and escape. He would also leave behind a statement saying that he doesn't fight blind swordsmen.

Luffy hasn't fought Rayleigh or Jinbe seriously.

Out of all main Villians Luffy has fought till WCI, Cracker is no doubt the one with best CoA.

Dude, Cracker's first Armor took multiple G2 and G3 hits and took 2 more G4 attack to get knocked out. And, Crackee can make them infinitely.

Doflamingo fought for 20 minutes? Cracker fought 11 hours with his main weakness being exploited. Luffy can't even do anything to Cracker even if he has G4 for multiple hours.

Luffy explicitly mentions that Cracker's haki is strongest he faced/too hard according to translation. And, Cracker also fodderized Non G4 Luffy while Doffy would take it to atleast mid-high diff. Cracker's performance against G4 wasn't embarassing too.

Cracker is definitely stronger. And, his haki is also much superior to Doflamingo

Mihawk immiediatly leaves once he realises they are top tiera

Why would Ryuma's body with Mihawk be hella strong? Mihawk is already a master. Their body and mind will just conflict.

He has gone through character development and is now the legendary Useless bum ass nigga

This proves that Zoro is better than Mihawk as Zoro didn't ask to postpone match

Ussop would also not be able to call Luffy a fraud.

You underestimate Ussop