It will end! My daughter spit up SOOO much. I was always covered, in my hair, on my clothes. I was changing her clothes constantly, burp rags everywhere. At around 6 months when she started solids it got so much better then eventually stopped. It will seem like a distant memory soon! This is so gross but she is 18 months now and she had a tiny little burp spit up the other day and the smell seriously like takes me back and makes me nostalgic.

But like why does she need to make a buck on her kids underwear? Draw the line somewhere!!

I know. She is always praised in other influencers snark pages and I'm like why?! She is the same if not worse.

Ah didn't see this! In my opinion is doesn't if people can see it on target website.. she already has people who are obsessed with her child. It's the fact that she's basically encouraging her daughter to show them off to her followers. She can't really comprehend of consent to it. Let your daughter be happy about her new underwear in private!!

I just 🤦‍♀️ hasn't it been proven that large accounts who post their kids almost always have creeps on them?! Not to mention teaching your toddler daughter to have no boundaries when it comes to showing her underwear to just about anyone. Influencing is bad enough.. you do NOT need to make a buck off of your kids underwear. Draw the line somewhere!!!


Not her filming her daughter showing off her new underwear and then proceeding to shill it 💀

I totally get it being very stereotypical but I'm from a neighboring midwestern state and we truly really do love Wisconsin beer and cheese! And we go up north to cherry pick every year. I think there are so many local makers for all of these items it is important to celebrate that. I would be disappointed if they weren't included 🤷‍♀️ They also have showcased great local restaurants and there is plenty of time to show more!

Thanks! Even though almost everyone here picked the second one, we ended up going with the first. We liked the visual interested of the added peaks on the roof. We have always really loved and wanted a brick home. As far as the windows, the main living spaces are in the back with plenty of light so the front windows won't make too much of a difference. Thank you for the feedback regardless!

Yep, birthday cake was the first but sugar my daughter ever tried. She was overwhelmed and stuck her finger in and took like 2 bites total 🤷‍♀️ she's 15 months now and hasn't had much sugar since.. she actually seems to prefer savory flavors overall. If it matters to you could always make a no sugar cake but I just went with a grocery store cake.

Putting this out there because I know a lot of people will mention the Abiie and the Tripp Trapp.. I obsessed over high chairs when we started BLW at 6 months.. did a ton of research ended it up going with the Abiie, got it as it seemed similar to the Tripp trap but a more affordable alternative. I REALLY really wish we would have spent 100 dollars more and just got the Tripp trap.. we have used it at a restaurant and friends houses and it really is much better. More adjustable foot rest options, better straps, better quality. I obsessed over footrests (which are hard to find!) I was really disappointed in the footrest on the Abiie. My daughters feet never reached with any seat/footrest combos until months after we started BLW, and even now the footrest doesn't jut out enough and her feet barley touch it anyway, they come right to the edge. She's 14 months now. The Abiie is fine, does the job, but still very expensive, and not worth it imo.

We have two dogs and if I could do it over again I would wait until I had older children to get dogs. I give this advice to many people, even though I know it is common to get pets before kids, I truly don't recommend it. After having a baby I find my dogs annoying and most days I wish we didn't have dogs. I feel bad for my dogs because it's not their fault we got them before having a baby, but it's just how I feel. Then it's just guilt for being a bad dog owner.

My daughter had a very prominent one on her eye when she was born. When she came out I actually was worried about her eye.. she's 14 months now and it's not even visible. Funny, I had one too, I didn't even know about it until my mom saw my daughters and said I had the same thing on the same eye.

Stood in the shower and cried 🤣

over one year later and doing MUCH better!!

Yep unsweetened vanilla oat milk from Trader Joe's is 0 points for 1/4th cup, which is plenty to flavor/lighten up a cup off coffee.

Another vote for the Solly wrap.. I actually couldn't live without it for the first 5ish months. It was the only carrier I felt comfortable with because I had a tiny 5 lb baby and it felt the most supportive and secure. It is my number one baby item and I found it easy to use after I watched one video. I had a couple of structured carriers and I never liked them.

Looks like eczema, and before you jump to allergies try a good cream topped with some aquaphor to see if that clears it up! I have the tubby Todd all over cream and that works really well.. she had a flare up in her back and after one night of using the tubby Todd it was gone. I've also used aveeno eczema relief in the past and that worked too. My daughter had bad eczema last winter and our pediatrician told us to use hydrocortisone once and a while it was bad but not to over use.

Not defending dud but I randomly craved hard boiled eggs before I even found out I was pregnant and I never wanted them before 🤷‍♀️ I do think it's a thing

That makes more sense.. and I'm sure the help would've been appreciated. I misunderstood that intention when reading your original post. I apologize for my brash opinion. In this social media age of parenting I do find myself getting passionate about all the negativity when it comes to other peoples parenting.. and I try to advocate for people doing what works for them and not what baby "experts" on social media say. This coming from someone that ignored a lot of my initial instincts when it came to parenting the first few months because of the opinions being pushed on me via social media.

Thanks for your thoughtful responses!

Delivery Driver/damaged shipmentHelp - Other

Just watched a FedEx delivery driver pull into the alley behind my house and chuck a 7.5 foot Christmas tree in a box over a tall privacy fence into my backyard. Literally saw the whole thing happen out of my kitchen window. The box is actually damaged and has a hole in it. Usually our packages get dropped at our front door, but I don't mind when they leave them outside the gate in the alley or even on the inside of the gate.. but usually they open the gate.

Do I just let this one slide and try to return the product if it's damaged (going to open it and out the tree together and see) or is it worth contacting FedEx??


I thought the swing, jumper/activity center, and playpen all came in handy when I needed 10 minutes to do something while baby was awake. Our baby has always gotten bored quickly so it was nice to have different "stations" in rotation. We used the swing consistently for about 5 months and then from 5-7 months loved the activity center. Once she stared crawling, I couldn't live without our large playpen from Amazon. I genuinely don't know how people do anything when baby is awake without one. I can pop her in there while I do chores on the same floor or use the bathroom quickly and I know she will be safe. My babe is 12 MO and we still use our playpen. She loves crawling in and out of it, there's a little pillow in there where she drinks her bottle, and she loves pulling up on it and walking around it. Our baby didn't love the bouncy seat much, I registered for an expensive one and barley used it. We got a cheaper fisher price one that we used to keep in the upstairs bathroom that came in handy when we had to use the bathroom.. we also used it when we got her out of the tub but just since we had it in there we could live without it for sure.

Every baby is different. My baby hated the mamaroo swing (seems like most do) and loved the Graco swing.

It could be the pumping. Pumping makes it really hard to get out of the house. I also have a partner who does an equal part in caring for LO. I exclusively pumped for 2 months. I was pumping every 3 hours to maintain enough milk supply.. it left little room to do things for me and made it nearly impossible to schedule time out if the house. We got out of the house very minimally before I stopped. Afterwards we would go to the store, go out to eat, I just felt I had a lot more time.

This is not a push towards stopping pumping, if that's what important to you. But I will say I felt I had SO much more time when I stopped.

Just because you say "your not judging" doesn't mean you aren't internally. If it didn't bother you, then why would you ask if you should address your SIL? What would you (a person who never bottle fed) accomplish by addressing it with someone who clearly knows what they are doing as they have other children? Anyway, I'm not trying to shame YOU just maybe try and be a little more accepting of the way other people parent. The baby drank the bottle, dad was sitting there watch it happen. Obviously there wasn't really anything to address..

There were 2 people in the room, she propped a bottle, she knows her baby and knows the baby will eat this way. The dad then picked her up. I seriously don't see the issue and don't see why you would say anything. The mom should be able to do this without fear of judgement but look there you are judging! I am so thankful I have family who just does there own thing and dosent feel the need to critique the others parenting.