He's the very definition of an affable lug.

The Neil Gaiman fandom is going through that exact process right now.

This post is proof positive that you can clickbait an entire sub.

So much of conservative culture is built around confirming to a narrow little view of what you're allowed to like and enjoy.

It's like that annoying fuck at a party that insists that the bands he likes are the only bands anyone should like.

The way that some people will scream about government tyranny while gleefully defending corporate tyranny will always be insane to me.

Therapy is expensive, crying on reddit is free.

The alternative would be introspection, and that's hard.

Therapy is expensive, crying on reddit is free.

As well as explaining the astronomically bad relationship advice that's typical of Reddit.

I guess it's to distinguish it from the actual Taliban who are, of course, 100% in Rowling's corner on this.

I got a lifetime ban from r/Politics for saying that modern day Nazis deserve to be lined up against a wall.

I'm feeling better and better about that ban day after day.

I see this sort of discourse in the Hearthstone sub where claims that it's a dying game have been making the rounds for, literally, the better part of a decade.

The notion that a game can be healthy so long as it has a stable player base just doesn't align with people who are, for one reason or another, frustrated and upset with a game, so they push a narrative that a game must be dying if it isn't at its absolute peak in numbers.

So long as there's no tongue involved.

NTA, however, laughing at him for trying to do what he thought would be a good thing is kind of a dick move. Since he hasn't fought with you about this or tried to turn you into some sort of tradwife, I think that we can presume that his heart was in the right place even if his brain was off center.

It wouldn't hurt to offer an apology for laughing and to tell him that you appreciate him caring about you and the baby, but that the life he's describing just isn't what you want for either of you.

Let him know that you still value him and that you appreciate the fact that he's willing to step up and be a dad.

It's hard to underestimate the value of doing this. Prosthetics aren't just something that you wear, like a piece of clothing. They are, literally, extensions of your own body, and if they don't feel like they're really a part of you, they won't feel right.

I can only speak to my own experiences with it. Awhile back I wandered in there because neither my wife nor I wanted kids and I thought it might be nice to have a community where that wasn't considered weird.

I remember getting a strange feel off the bat and that feeling got solidified when I said something positive about a father that I saw who actually took his kid out of a restaurant when the kid was having a tantrum. I got absolutely blasted by the sub for, apparently, daring to suggest that good parents exist and that sometimes kids just have bad moments. It was a deluge of how kids and parents are just fundamentally bad.

I've stuck my head back in a few times, since then, and have always felt that undertone of actual hostility towards children and parents, and it just solidified the impression that I have of the place.

Now, maybe your experiences are different from mine, and that's fine. I certainly hope that maybe the sub isn't entirely like what I've seen but, as I've said, I can only speak to what I have experienced there on more than one occasion, as well as noting that my experience doesn't seem to be unique when I've talked to other people about that sub as well.

In any case, I've started seeing more of that same sort of behavior in this sub. Whether it's coming from ChildFree or from some antenatalist sub, that same sort of hostility is definitely starting to manifest more in here, and I don't like it.

Agreed. I think that the r/ChildFree loons have started finding there way here. I'd expect them to completely misunderstand the vibe of this sub and to try and warp it into their peculiar brand of child hatred.

I think that modern audiences are less likely to understand the shock jock gag. That origin was tailored to the Stern era where shock jocks were a major media phenomenon. The nearest equivalency these days would be alt right agitators like Alex Jones which would be a very different vibe, and they aren't called shock jocks either, so the reference gets lost.

In any case, I don't think that it's particularly crucial to her character and that some remixing of origins is fine for a show that isn't canon to start with.