Idk man I used Bounce before a bunch of times and it’s always been fine. Are you sure that the dates were changed after? Could be an innocent mistake at the time of entering the dates. And it makes sense that the company wants to check with UPS first, give them a day or two to sort things out. I’m sure you will get your refund soon.

If this doesn’t resolve in the next week or two, file a credit card chargeback. But this company is not a “scam” in the sense used on this sub.

The California Zephyr is widely known as the most scenic Amtrak route (Chicago-San Francisco) but the routes from Chicago to Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles are also all very beautiful.

I have posted before, but my “dream” itinerary from Chicago would be something like:

California Zephyr to San Francisco (spend a couple days in SF)

Coast Starlight to Santa Barbara (spend a day in SB)

Pacific Surfliner to San Diego (spend a couple days in SD)

Fly home

The thing about “ceasefire” is that it means different things to different people

Commenters on this thread are talking about the grown-up version, a negotiated ceasefire. Activists wanted Israel to surrender. Totally different things but given the same name because words are squishy.

Echoes of “defund the police”

Del Mar

H&M or any of those textile recycling bins around town

What’s your goal? If you’re just going between 2 stations that are a few hours apart. If you want to go the whole way, roomette because that’s an insanely long way to be in coach. If you just want sight-seeing but cheap, perhaps start the trip in Denver instead of Chicago to save money.

Del Mar

Call the SD Tourism Board

Del Mar

That’s extremely abnormal. I’ve never seen an Uber like that. 100% report!

I’m not Canadian but I would be suspicious of this website

Del Mar

Best city, in the best state, in the best country in the world. Beautiful photo! Happy 4th!!

They lose money on tiny clients with a couple hundred bucks in the bank. They’d rather nudge you out the door and focus on corporate clients. Nothing super unusual.

You can always transfer to an online bank which doesn’t charge these fees since they don’t have the same costs per client (no prime locations, lower staffing levels, etc)

Del Mar

This is hilarious and I have no idea why. Might just be coincidence since they both follow the same formula that most jeweler company names follow.

For what it’s worth, Levi is a reputable guy. Haven’t gone to the main one.

For engagement rings, don’t forget about buying rings online. Or if you want the most bang for your buck, Costco. Both of these options will have lower markups than a brick and mortar jeweler.

Merit-based immigrants are “privileged” so I doubt it’s really motivating for Democrats to talk a big game about helping the “privileged”

Honestly I bet there’s a lot more support behind closed doors. Agreed that Ds don’t talk about it much/ever in public campaigns though.

Remember that the D base is shifting to educated suburbanites, whose jobs are much more threatened by a white-collar H1B visa holder than a Guatemalan border-hopper

Del Mar

That might be the winner then, TJ for normal issues and ASPCA as a supplement for if things go really bad. I assume ASPCA’s premiums aren’t terrible

Del Mar

If you have an urgent issue where your dog is bleeding out, you won’t want to take the time to cross the border… that said, it all depends on finances

I imagine even 2 trains an hour going through town would cause a massive headache for anyone trying to cross the tracks

Yeah...... definitely agree on that one. But this is what the local cities wanted.

Del Mar

Sounds fake to me, but maybe it’s a private alley that looks like a street. What does Google Maps show?

Del Mar

Semper Solaris is a solar panel installation company. They’re advertising that you should get solar panels so that your power bill goes down.

Truth is, solar panels are great but you don’t need to go with 1 particular company. It’s better to get quotes from a bunch of them and then choose the cheapest option.

Del Mar

Looks like it was done by @gloriamuriel on Instagram. Maybe message her to see if she remembers who paid for the mural / who owns the property. You might be able to talk to them about how the neighborhood could benefit from a fresh paint job.

USD is strong baby. Time to travel the world thanks to JPow! 🇺🇸🦅

The effort it took to type this comment to virtue signal about not having a Twitter account… while having an account on Tencent’s Reddit… 🤔 just get a Twitter account, your friends will never know

Go early in the year and pay less than half that, or if you’re set on those dates, Zip Air

Never seen a channel with such a high patreon:viewership ratio. Not many viewers but those that do, pay up

Del Mar

no way that’s easier than ordering parts online for delivery, or cheaper than driving yourself

One of these options has a 0% win rate against Trump. The other is #DIV/0!

I know which one I’d trust more