Save yourself the time and just break up now.

You’ve BEEN in an airplane/airport before … right?

I grew up in the elite gymnastics community at the same time as Dominique (I was two years younger). The Karolyis treatment of their girls was almost an open secret. Everyone knew. Then in 1996, they framed Bela as a gruff cuddly teddy bear and we gagged. Anything to keep the dollars flowing, I guess. Kudos to Dominique for SPEAKING. I wish others would have backed her up at that time.

YES. Sister wants to be the babysitter for her own baby.

Why don’t your parents adopt the baby? Or .. any of the thousands of families wanting to adopt a baby? It’s not like if you don’t adopt the baby, it has to be left in the words to be raised by gremlins.

I’m trying to figure out what I’m missing in the JenniferxLauren moving story. God rescued them from a wealthy Austin suburb and delivered them to Newport Beach?

God, he looks like a D2 baseball player 😂😂

Your husband is a twat for allowing this to happen to you. You’re NTA. You’ve taken enough.

“My husband has separation anxiety issues.”

Ditches him for two months.

Girl, what. If you don’t get it, you shouldn’t have married him. You chose to move to his country and bind his life to yours. You can’t run home to mommy for half of your marriage. One could argue that you have separation issues as well.

I don’t know why I have a soft spot for her, but I do.

A $10K fine to people who can afford to be in the Turks and Caicos? Why not just sit them in time out?

Love the smell, but it weighs my hair down. I really like the shampoo though!

She has a filler mustache at this point.

She’s got to let that go. Like, she was top 36 on a crappy singing competition 15 years ago. It’s time.

Yeah, none of these basic gals are reinventing any wheels here.


Thomas O’Malley forever. Voice like sillkkk

Thank you for the perspective. I’m not where I would be if I never drank, but I’m better than I would be still drinking 💓