seravalli is a hack and has absolutely no inside info into the canucks, let alone the rest of the league

don't even bother with him honestly

holy shit i'm glad you're not our gm because these are some bad takes lmao

zadorov at 5mil (higher if he signed with us, since he turned down 5x5 to go to the bruins) is a horrible contract, on the level of the previous myers contract

what about it do you think has been not good? we got defensively responsible players who step up in the playoffs and can play almost anywhere in the lineup

huge overpay for a guy who's been a 3rd pair dman for his entire career

happens every year and people freak out on social media because we "missed out", only to roast those contracts 2 years later on other teams

rinse and repeat

fuckin hate this guy on other teams, but i guess i'll probably like him as a canuck

we already have offensive dmen, he's great as a PP1 quarterback but that's not what we need

lmao we made it to game 7 in round 2 against one of the cup favorites with significant injuries, relax dude it was worth the risk

if anything it's making vancouver a more enticing market now that we're a playoff team again with actual potential to do something

yeah they pushed it hard when they announced the hardware, and then... just kind of let it release with little fanfare

microsoft seems like they just have absolutely no clue what they're doing right now, and only seem to be relying on their own showcases for advertising and not marketing elsewhere

yeah i'd imagine most canadian teams (oilers, flames, jets, sens) would be on the list, so he'd be more involved trying to get mikheyev to agree to go to the flames in a deal like that

it makes sense, hopefully it works out

oh i mean just for simple things like painting a small area (like a kneecap), i see people masking off an entire part, loading up a new color, and airbrushing it

for the large areas it obviously makes sense, but it seems to just be the default choice in a lot of cases when it shouldn't be

VAN - NHL :61412:

that was the worst pre-game ceremony + anthem combination i've ever seen

yeah i think the two hobbies feed into eachother quite a bit, the main thing i've noticed is that gunpla hobbyists seem to forget that regular paintbrushes and acrylics exist - and go straight to airbrushing, enamels and lacquer

there are so many techniques that can transfer between both, and you can save a TON of money by getting better with mini painting techniques by being able to skip the expensive mr. hobby/tamiya products

do you know the difference between "pushing" and "making available under the guidance of a doctor/physician", or are you being purposefully obtuse?

do you think the government is also "pushing" alcohol on people by allowing liquor stores to operate?

exact same pipeline as me, i mainly got into warhammer for the hobby aspect of it & eventually realized over the past few weeks i should just get into gunpla

as an added bonus i already have literally all of the tools for it, so it was super easy to get into it - i've only built 3 so far, but fully airbrushed my 3rd one just to see how the process works vs. warhammer/minis and i'm fully addicted