I was thinking the same thing, I think it might be a joke making fun of gendered bathrooms

Cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to……..

Lamictal 600 mg daily

That fucking sucks. Is your cancer treatment at least making progress on getting rid of your tumor?

Lamictal 600 mg daily

What treatment are you on for your daily seizures? Maybe increasing it or trying another one would help

Lamictal 600 mg daily

Aw that’s nice that your pup knows what to do! Taking an emergency med would be so much easier than all this though… like a dissolvable klonipin or inhaled versed. Do you take daily treatment for your epilepsy too?

Lamictal 600 mg daily

Is this for full tonic clonics? Do you have an emergency med that you can take when you feel one coming on?

The only effect of taking alcohol and Zzzquil (which is exactly the same as Benadryl, fyi) is increasing the drowsiness effect of both. If someone has been drinking it would be better to take melatonin instead. But also, drinking before bed can decrease sleep quality and ability to fall asleep so if you are looking to improve your sleep cycle then it might be worth decreasing your alcohol intake.

Lamictal 600 mg daily

My only trigger for tonic clonics is being super hungover and missing my meds, but lots of things trigger my auras: strong scents, driving in new places, smoking weed, and sometimes they are just random.

Lamictal 600 mg daily

Nah, I don’t think so. I’ve been on 600 mg Lamictal for years and the cause of my last tonic clonic around 2 years ago was that I was an idiot and forgot to take my meds while I was super hungover.

Lamictal 600 mg daily

My weird situation is that my seizures started after I had a brain bleed (AVM rupture) and emergency surgery, so I know exactly where the focus of the seizures is. I hope your brain surgery helped.

Argh. Do they know how severe your weight loss is? Honestly I’d say it’s worth asking if they can just give you some preemptive steroids. Also I would start drinking some high calorie shakes like Boost (not sure if they have that where you live). I’d also try a high-protein diet as they recommended as much as you can and hydrate with electrolyte drinks. I hope you get some relief soon!

This sounds a lot like ulcerative colitis. When is your colonoscopy? It’s required for a diagnosis but sounds like you need treatment urgently, ideally with a high dose of a steroid like prednisone.

Do you get treatment for your simple partial/focal aware seizures/auras?Question

I haven’t had a tonic clonic for a couple years now, but I have simple partial seizures (now called focal aware seizures and I call them auras) multiple times per day. They are just a weird feeling of Deja vu and can happen when I’m driving, working, socializing and etc without affecting my ability to function. I’ve had one neurologist who thinks I should increase my treatment until they stop but another who says he lets patients choose whether they want to treat their auras based on how much they interfere with their lives. I am way more nervous about increasing treatment than I am about letting the auras continue. What have been other folks’ experiences?

Lamictal 600 mg daily

I disagree - the only anti-epileptic whose mechanism is not fully understood is Keppra.

Lamictal 600 mg daily

Lamotrigine 2000 mg? For real? Or did you mean 200 mg, or 2000 mg of Keppra?

I recommend he get some supportive slippers, I have some and they are life savers

Lamictal 600 mg daily

I’ve found that a rinse of saltwater + baking soda helps. It might take a while to heal but it’s a start

Lamictal 600 mg daily

I have twitchy auras when I smoke weed!! It’s super weird. My boyfriend suggested I get high before my next EEG - not sure how I feel about it, lol