What JRTs mostly need is mental stimulation. Mine LOVE learning tricks (or, to them, learning new jobs). They both have slow feeders/puzzle feeders and we do reward-based training whenever possible. They love it. They also have a big backyard and still do zoomies all over the house, though.

That depends on your height, weight, and activity level. You can Google calorie calculator but here’s one calorie calculator.

They probably use it once and then throw it into the void in their garage.

I have my fair share of rechargeable lamps. I have a lot of corners that lack outlets and I like a cozy glow (lamp o’clock speaks to me but I would never call it that). But that one looks stupid. I hate its pointy little head. It looks like a disproportionate traffic sign.

If you want to maintain muscle mass while in a deficit, you need to prioritize protein. That said, focus on health. Do you steps, do your Pilates, do resistance training. Eat as much protein as you can, and don’t neglect carbs. Ignore your sister. Don’t worry about your butt.

One of my best friends recommended Discovery of Witches to me and I had to seriously re-evaluate our friendship. I HATED it. To this day if you ask my least favorite book it is this one. The MC was THE WORST. So insufferable. The plot, map inducing. The descriptions, intolerable. I still remember being forced to read the details of the MC’s closet, and then a critical plot point involving her DNA was explained as “oh yeah btw she fastidiously flushes her nail clippings down the toilet, as she was instructed to by her mother, and she has never once deviated from this.” Why do I know how many pairs of navy slacks she owns but this was never mentioned until it was important information?

Do NOT take the cheap route. I've been fixing the prior owner's cheap decisions for 5 years and I am TIRED. When we had to completely replace the HVAC because the one he had installed did not fit and was circulating moldy water through the system (which made me sick for 3 years straight), we did not go with the cheapest. We went with the "this is our home, and it will be our home for a long time, and I don't want to regret this, and if for some reason we have to sell, I don't want the next owners cursing my name like I do with our prior owners" level.

Could not have said it better. A couple years ago I learned your landscaping can sink, and pull all the drainage in your yard into your house, and flood your basement. Guess how I learned that.

I read a theory that Iron Flame was written by AI and that made immediate sense to me. I liked Fourth Wing, full disclosure, but I am not very into fantasy so that’s my excuse. I agree with all your points, I just happened to still enjoy it. Then reading Iron Flame felt like a job and I hated it. It was the same thing over and over again and no plot. It felt very off, just like with AI art and then you realize the hands have 6-8 fingers and the background does not make any sense.

Yes there should have been a test! Dang it!

Maybe they need to look into hiring landscapers.

Your mom is wise. I guess I stupidly assumed the new owners of our house planned to love and care for it like we did.

I wonder all the time if the old owners of our new house ever drive past and get mad that we ripped out landscaping. I'd really like them to know that we did it because it was sinking and causing our basement to flood. They probably have better sense than me and don't even think twice about it though.

I'll never understand people who don't want to take care of their home! I realize things happen and not everyone can stay on top of some maintenance, and things get expensive and people run into tough times. But a sagging roof! You just know there's a whole situation inside! It's so heartbreaking.

Is there a wall that TV can live on? It's absolutely dwarfing your fireplace and you have a cord management issue. That bookcase looks more appropriate for a home office, not a living room, and not at an angle. Your couch seems very far away from your TV in this arrangement, but moving it any closer is definitely going to strain your neck to see the screen (so, another reason to move that TV). You could use a larger rug and a couple of accent chairs, but first I'd do my best to get the TV on a wall. Once your layout is fixed, I'd do two layers of window treatments: first, bamboo shades, with sheer curtains mounted above. If you don't move that TV, though, I'd skip the curtains and just do the shades. I'd love to see the opposite angle of this room. Many times, the "homey" and "cozy" feeling people are looking for is attainable with turning off the overhead lights and using lamps. Even better if they're on a dimmer! Mine all use Wyze bulbs which I can control with an app, both the temperature and brightness. I almost never have the overhead lights on unless I'm cleaning.

Yeah I wish I hadn't looked. I was hoping I'd see it get the paint job I never got to. We moved before we planned to and I felt like I had unfinished business there. I was very busy when we moved with our new house, which immediately demanded a LOT more work and attention than our old place, being on 5 acres and halfway across the country, but I cried when we moved. Selling it was a huge pain (we moved and then listed it) and we had one sale fall through so by the time we finally sold it, I was so tired of dealing with buyers I was relieved. But once I recovered I had serious remorse. If I had F-you money I'd buy that house back and fix it back up and rent it out, but take care of the landscaping as part of the rent. Unfortunately I do no so I'm just sad. Learn from me and do not google your old house!

This is coming from a huge place of privilege and I admit I do not know the struggles of the other people in this situation. But for some reason, I google mapped the house we sold 5 years ago. Google has since updated the street and overhead view, and it's... startling. The house is filthy, needs painted, and the entire landscaping is dead. There's trash on the porch, the roof hasn't been cleaned (a necessity in the PNW), and all my plantings are gone. I know the new owners don't owe me anything, but it's really rough to see that. My husband and I still talk about how great that house was and how we wish we could have just moved it with us. When we viewed the house, we were kind of meh about the interior (it had been painted so dark and had heavy drapes that blocked out the light), but the backyard sold us. It's really hard to see it just... dead. It's now the worst looking house on the street. It's rough to see it look like that. It was our first house we ever bought and we loved it the way I think probably a lot of people loved their first real adult home. It was so rewarding seeing it blossom and shine as we made it our own.

It's not my house anymore and I have no right to take it personally. But I'm in the luteal phase and this is the thing we're getting upset about today. Anyway, I'm just bummed and I feel bad for that house.

It didn’t go off, I don’t know why! I have the alerts on and everything.

I’m getting kind of worried of how many times I have slept through tornado sirens this spring. Everyone else in my area was in their basement last night while I was upstairs snoozing away. I think it’s my white noise machine is too loud. Might have to turn it off on nights where we’re getting weather but dang, because I sleep so great with it. But also do not want to die in a tornado.

Contrary to many Christians’ belief, the Bible actually appears to assert that life begins at birth (Genesis 2:7). It also contains instructions for performing an abortion in the case of adultery. Christians didn’t really have an opinion on abortion until the 70s with the rise of the “religious right.” The Southern Baptist Convention had previously been on record saying it should be allowed in many circumstances. (I’m pro choice and not Christian for the record. I deconverted and enjoy explaining to Christians that the Bible does not say what they think it says now.)

Gotta be the 'roids! Tell her she has to share the drugs!

I call my guy my little meathead! I’m a powerlifter though so we do our meal prep together.

This is a common misconception. Everyone knows babies are potato shaped blobs. You put them in the peanut butter former to give them a defined waist! Otherwise they will be uggos and their TikTok career will be over before it starts.