You gotta scare them straight!


We were at a German store in North Georgia and my dad found this book—turns out it was read to him as a child. That explained a LOT, lol

Right, that was going to be mine. Water everywhere and you never heard about it again. 

I loved the Natural History Museum in Vienna so much and was wildly let down by the one in London because it catered completely to kids. Supposedly they had a ton of exhibits, but comparatively very little was on display.

It's not about CB per se but in the past decade or so I've noticed people more often seem to think that making a statement means they've presented a valid argument. 

Any and all votes that aren't for them are illegitimate, etc. etc.

That's a good sign.

If you give her space (with just a weather eye on her) she might eventually come out on her own.

Loving someone doesn't mean you're somehow obligated to be in a relationship with them. This will fundamentally not get better. He assumes he can wear you down. 

Wish they'd done that with my mother. She was on a few antibiotics and I don't think anyone warned her about C. Diff. I don't think we'd have known what was going on but for the fact that I'd read about it on Reddit.

This is an insightful way to put it, thanks

Look at this little dustbunny