
Hur kan man vara så socialt inkompetent att man kan babbla om något i en halvtimme utan att uppfatta att den man pratar med inte är det minsta intresserad av samtalsämnet 😂

Currently recovering from my first marathon two days ago, I didn't even run until failure but holy shit I can still barely use my legs. Going down the stairs was a nightmare, and if I fall on a flat surface without anything to support me I don't think I would be able to get back up. 

:Sweden: Quran burner

Not even close, South Korea and Japan are huge players as well. Taiwan does have TSMC and to my laymans understanding they have the most capacity to produce the most advanced chips using EUV tech - in that segment they may be closer to 90%, but not in the segment as a whole.

:Sweden: Quran burner

And Cymer, and Trumpf, and literally so many more. 

:Sweden: Quran burner

Not for Sweden, it's not entirely uncommon for people to move out at 15/16 to attend upper secondary school in some other region/city.

Köp inte denna vad du än gör, värdelös dator. 

Neige (how has nobody mentioned him yet??)

Humö (Havukruunu, not their main vocalist but fucking awesome)

Your pc is good enough to make games in Unity, I've done so on a far less powerful machine. 2 seconds to recompile and 50 seconds to open a project is about what you can expect. If you were using Unreal instead it would take even longer!

There are skyscraper-ish buildings in some places such as Norra Tornen. I adore Stockholms weather this time of the year (Swedish summers in general can be absolutely divine, although unpredictable) but it's too cold, wet and dark for most of the year. There's a reason seasonal depression is a huge thing here!

:Sweden: Quran burner

E du go eller? Finns ju överallt, särskilt i villaområden där varannan tjomme har flaggstång

Try Балканджи, Arandu Arakuaa, Skyclad, Svartsot, Baldrs Draumar.


I friggin' love Americans, happy to hear you had a good experience! Feel free to come and visit our country any time :)

That's fucking badass - I'm a software engineer and I have endless amounts of respect for people like you who make our computers tick. I mean, without photolithography, no new silicon wafers, without that, no new computers, and without that - no software! So uh, thanks!

Your comment made me check his channel and it came out three minutes ago lmao, thanks for the heads up!

I've done a similar system, but different approach from OP. The TL;DR of my solution is to just raycast in some directions, store the hit positions, and have a shader draw a dot in all the hit positions.

I do burst compiled jobs that calculate which direction my rays should go, then a batched RaycastCommand to find where each ray hit, then I just have a massive circular compute buffer with the position data (and optionally color data of whatever I hit) that I upload to a shader that handles drawing the correct primitive in the correct position and orientation, which is done by calling Graphics.DrawProceduralNow(). The benefit of this approach is that it's enormously efficient, where you can easily draw hundreds of thousands of points per second and render tens of millions of points without issue, but that might be overkill.


Vill du ha fuskande civilingenjörer (t.ex) ute i arbetslivet? Jag vill inte att de som bygger och underhåller kritisk infrastruktur i Sverige ska ha fuskat sig genom sin utbildning. Samma sak gäller läkare, lärare, etc. 

The actual numbering of the patches means very little in terms of completion of the game. I mean, we went from 0.217 to 0.218 when Ashlands dropped and it's the biggest update in terms of content since the game came out. I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up going from 0.2XX straight to 1.0 whenever Deep North comes out.


Var är första bilden tagen? Superfint!

Why are you worried about the performance of an empty project?

Beror väl på hur man definierar det. Det är meteorologisk sommar i princip hela landet.

Yeah it's a real shame. The graphics were absolutely beautiful, the world & procedural generation was super cool. Ultimately the gameplay just felt shallow.

Agreed! I tried the Lego Fortnite game mode a couple months ago when it first launched. You'd think that a game like that would have the best possible building mechanics (I mean, both franchises are kind of known for exactly that, building) but I just didn't vibe with it. I kept thinking, if this was more like Valheim's building mechanics it would be so much better.

Check out these ebooks provided by Unity: short, concise and some lesser known tips included.