I definitely have to check up on that marcionite business. Although, I’d say calvinism is worse for the soul, since it teaches an inherently evil god, that throws people in hell just for the fun of it, not even giving them the chance to redeem themselves. Universalism is better imo since it teaches what Christians have taught for centuries, that God is good, the embodiment of love. Btw I’m in no way defending universalism, just sharing my opinion

Somewhat yeah but i’d rather someone be a universalist than a calvinist. Especially because in the Orthodox Church (the one he belongs to) calvinism is a recognised heresy while universalism technically isn’t

Eraser Cat :Eraser:

Bro how is soba so high up along with pizza?

“Mom, I love you, but for the love of God destroy that thing before it destroys this family”

:authright:- Auth-Right

“Technically” has no power on the definitions of words, people are going to use them as they please

I used a space instead of return

Eraser Cat :Eraser:

Have you played the stage yet? If i had to recommend something its just more dps and maybe meatshields

Eraser Cat :Eraser:

Youre welcome man. Please tell me if anything goes wrong

Eraser Cat :Eraser:

You dont need moneko or backhoe. Just use catasaurus or space cat and you’ll be fine. Although, as i suggested, you should stack some attackers (paris, castaway) that have decent speed (so no cameraman). As well, dont use meatshields as tge kory comes out

Eraser Cat :Eraser:

Nah catfruit jubilee is way easier than itf 1 moon. You stack on the metal hippoe and then you wipe out Kory. At least that’s what I did

Karen. Pretty self explanatory. Was a run-of-the-mill average name and then it became a symbol for mean middle-aged women

I have always found that the show starts something, develops it a bit, and then dumps it completely. I want to see more of Phil’s magic shop and more of the parking lot that Jay and Phil built


This is an article from 11 years ago. Switzerland i think is on top now