William Kennedy blamed the incident on failing to take his medication, describing it as being 'blown out of proportion'

Notice how he didn't deny what he did, but argued that the situation was "blown out of proportion". No, you stupid POS, this is objectively wrong. You didn't hurt peoples' feelings because they are snowflakes. You sexually assaulted a vulnerable patient and acted in a manner that is unfit for the profession.

THAT'S how they get fired? Not by shooting dogs or no-knock home invasions? That's fucking wild

My little idiot is the reason I mount my TV to the wall

It's hard to keep track of all the orders coming down from Faux News telling them who to hate and what to fear when they have the memory and intelligence of a goldfish.

Aren't those colloquially called "Fuck me lines"? Pretty gay to want to see those on a man /s

He will never judge. He is always ready to listen. And he will never make you uncomfortable.