They also barely cover Obama anymore. It’s almost like people in power get more scrutiny than people out of power.

But also I swear Trump is in the news every single day and it’s always negative. I don’t understand where this weird victim complex comes from.

That is crazy, actually. Do you think journalists get those profits?

It was a puppet when talking, but there were also shots of real cats used whenever he was just walking around like a normal cat.

You are completely wrong. This is how these things always go. You cannot be wish washy. You have to deny 100% until you decide to drop out.

I’m not saying he’s going to drop out, but your assertion that he would be acting differently is just plain wrong.

All of these things were mentioned in the press. Do you expect people marching in the street to celebrate the adjustment of Medicare application waiting times?

I kept waiting to be blown away by something in this list and I just wasn’t.

But regardless of it all, Biden is not mentally fit to be president of the US today. He needs to resign.

I pretty much only use my steam deck this way. It’s a streaming device for me.

Biden’s campaign money can go to a super pac, and all of the big donors who donated the maximum to Biden would be free to donate again to the new candidate. It’s almost like double dipping.

You can get links to the actual website from Apple News by hitting the share button (square with an arrow sticking up) and then sliding through the app carousel that pops up, hitting the … (More) to bring up MORE app options, and then choosing Safari.

Yes, they make this very difficult.

But Benie’s path for victory was through exploiting a plurality. Whatever happened, the result would have been a majority of primary voters voting AGAINST him.

I know it’s comforting to believe that everything that happens is planned by some all powerful shadow government of (insert hated group here) but the truth is that it’s just chaos.

And then…… Biden won the primary. Even though Bernie stayed in. Which means, more voters wanted Biden than Bernie. Ultimately the voters made their choice.

People like you want to act like everything is a conspiracy and Biden was anointed from the beginning but he wasn’t. We are where we are today because of the voters, and because Biden himself chose to run again even though he is no longer qualified.

Do you know that voters actually picked Joe Biden in the primary?

And this time he chose to run because he was the incumbent, as the incumbent always does.

He shouldn’t have made that choice. But blaming the illuminati for everything is so stupid.

What if Joe Biden is sundowning at the exact moment an urgent military crisis happens? Being mentally competent 90% of the time is still 10% insufficient for the job of being the president. He is unqualified for the job, and it’s only going to get worse over the next hypothetical 4 years.

Compare videos of Biden 4 years ago to videos of him today. That’s how quickly he is deteriorating.

Is “the DNC” in the room with you right now?

The bitrate. A 4k stream from Netflix is much worse quality than a 4k Blu-ray of the same movie. Resolution isn’t everything, because streaming content is heavily compressed.

The Sony Core service offers near-Blu-ray quality streams that are MASSIVE files and require very fast internet.

However, I think the high bitrate feature may be exclusive to Sony Bravia TVs, which is so stupid. This should obviously be a PS5 feature.

But that’s what I’m saying. There is nothing about this game that couldn’t function on PS4. They don’t have any characters who are too compute expensive. They don’t have any gameplay elements that couldn’t also work on PS4. The dual sense features would be fine to leave out on PS4, and if this game is anything like Overwatch, load times are a non-issue because they have the pre-match countdown. OW2 literally runs on Switch.

This genre is inherently easy to scale down because nothing about it requires power except the graphics. There would be absolutely zero impact on the game.

If you are hoping for things like that, you are going to be disappointed because the game is already “compromised.”

I literally have a PS5.

When I said identical I meant the PS5 version.

Obviously the graphics would be significantly worse on PS4. But how does that negatively impact the PS5 version? It doesn’t. Not even a little bit. The PS5 game you get today would look identical to the PS5 version you would get if the game were also released on PS4. There is literally no downside for PS5 players.

There is nothing in this game that couldn’t function on a PS4. A “compromised” version would be identical.