I also create animation so I know how important it is for the viewer to get the jokes, action or read the titles and credits.

Here's my Kickstarter: Larvie the Teenage Fashion Maggot. Note how many times you hear the name of the project. Repetition is a key element of design and marketing.

Hey there fashion maggot fans! Sign the mailing list at lushvegetation.com and leave a message that you saw this post . We actually have a carton with 20 blonde dolls available to ship. The US postage rates will go up at the end of July so the price of postage will be higher after that. 💕🪰❤️

Really fun! My only comment would be to pull the foot in front further down in perspective. It flattens out the perspective of your figure with both feet horizontally in line. The same way you’ve illustrated the perceptive of the background so well, having both feet in a straight line flattens the figure out.

Jeeeez! I never find 'boo' at the thrift store...

We have so many concepts squirming beneath the surface that you will just have to sign the mailing list at lushvegetation.com to find out about the latest metamorphosis for Larvie…🪰❤️💕

Don't be bitter or sad. Just chalk it up to a learning experience.

The summer is traditionally the worse time to launch a KS campaign (unless it is specifically a summery product like beach towels or special suntan lotion). People are out of school or on vacation and they are not really shopping for a product that won't be delivered for a while.

I loved those!! They were my favorite Num Noms from the entire series. I was sad that they were the last because I think they were the best of the full six years they made them.

When it comes to crowdfunding, absolutely everything counts: social media presence and following, realistic crowdfunding goal, product fulfillment, appetite for the product, timing of the launch, pre-launch strategy, video, price of the rewards and the appearance of the KS page itself. Every single element must be exactly right for the campaign to work. I wrote my campaign a year in advance and plugged in the pieces one by one until I was sure I'd covered off on every single element.

There's no shame in ending your campaign early and relaunching when you are sure you have each building block in place. It's better emotionally to end the campaign early rather than to let it die on the vine for all to see.

One thing I did discover was tons of social marketing people will come out of the woodwork to offer their services, once your campaign has funded because they know you have a viable and valuable product.

Someone mentioned Crowdfunding as a way to bring these dolls to life.

It took four years to find a reliable, knowledgeable and affordable manufacturer for Larvie so that we could offer the doll at the very best retail price. We didn't have much money so we turned to crowdfunding to see if there was an appetite for the doll. I spent my savings to sculpt, print, paint and create the original design model and thankfully, Larvie has been embraced by the world.

Creating dolls like the Wildchidz dolls consists of several tools (the molds) for each character plus all the different body parts and accessories. It is a complicated assembly process to weld the pieces together. There are numerous spray ops (the painting of the face and body). It looks like over 40 grams of hair and due to the height of the dolls, the package must be at least 12" tall. All that adds up to a significant manufacturing cost and in turn, a high retail price. That may be what is holding up the development of their dolls.

I liked "The Munsters" much more as a kid. Now, as an adult, I think the writing on "The Addams Family" is funnier and more nuanced. I never saw the need to choose one over the other. As a monster kid, I loved both shows for their mere existence.

Fashion packs would be very welcome. I think they’d be popular if they had maybe two complete outfits in one pack with shoes, hats and accessories but no doll. They have enough assorted accessories that they could mold them in all new colors so that each character could wear them.
In the early 2000s, marketing declared that consumers needed to have complete play with every sku so the only way you could get new outfits was with a doll included. They phased out Fashion Avenue Barbie packs and never looked back.

I am planning a campaign next year. I hope they change it for the better.

Good grief! It’s it Halloween already?!

Turned out really good. Looks like you heard and followed all the various comments and suggestions.

Nixon fighting a saber toothed tiger. Now I’ve seen everything!

Sadly, it seems like your dolls, much like your friend, are lost forever. On a side note, it makes me ill to think how many families and friendships have been ruined by bizarre religious/political conspiracy lunacy.

My brother and I could talk about anything for decades. He tried to talk to me about politics recently and I stopped him. I said, “We will be family long after any politician or clergy member is long gone. They only want your vote or your money (or both) and I’ll be damned if I allow any of those to drive a wedge between us or our family”. Not sure if it registered but at least I said my peace.

There was a woman at Mattel whose name was Alita.

Incredible! I thought it was an actual scene from the film. The lighting and staging is utterly perfect.