I will say that the armor storage in POH is a bit random, some stuff really seems like it should be storable but isn't... but I'm not sure Barrows is one of them lol. And letting IM skillers enchant jewelry? Wut? That's one of the basic trade-offs of being a skiller and ironman! 😂

If I had to guess I'd say it's people who haven't though through why certain restrictions exist? Or don't realize that restrictions are what make a game enjoyable? So they see a suggestion and go "oh that sounds nice" and just upvote it without thinking about it.

Side note, sun-kissed bones (from doing hunter rumors or from Perilous Moons) can be broken down directly and don't need to be blessed first, and Perilous Moons rewards bone shards directly too. So if you've done any PM or plan to do so, hang onto those.

J1mmy's, he ended up spending some time in the hospital in November even.

Framed mentioned in his most recent GG review video that he was also dealing with some health stuff and had a family member dealing with health stuff during filming too but didn't get into specifics.

Zoe falls in that sweet spot of not obviously good enough to be identified as a threat, not obviously bad enough to be targeted as an easy opponent. She's gotten pretty far in the past by sticking to the middle and just getting overlooked by everyone, I'm curious if it will work again this season.

Typo in video title, this is episode 5.

Yeah Soup has said that the bannings are always chosen before they start filming for an episode. It was the same with the Dharok banning between SkillSpecs and Torvesta, a lot of people thought it was chosen for them but Soup said it was a total coincidence. IIRC they film the challenge and the banning back to back so I'm not sure how feasible it would be to have multiple banning possibilities prepped each week anyway.

I did a chunklocked f2p account and unlocked every f2p chunk... I'll be honest and say I didn't require myself to do the full mining/smithing grind or greenlog the bosses, but I did do everything else. It was a blast!

Limpwurt's Xtreme One Chunk Ironman series. He rolled the Falador chunk, which has the construction skillcape, and had to get 99 construction without a saw. He got to level 92 or so from planting bagged plants (one of the only ways of gaining construction XP that doesn't require a saw) for 31 XP each, and 99 from repairing totem poles/masts at Tempoross.

Framed calling him a nerd and then immediately being like "yeah no that's a good idea, I should do that too" was so funny.

C Engineer is delightful and I'm so glad he's still in.

I salute him for his service 😂

tbf Solo really didn't come prepared for the Tribunal. He should've had another name in mind other than Faux, like Westham, given Roidie a tougher decision between the two.

Not fully blaming him because it's hard to outcharisma B0aty lol but I think Solo had more choices than he thought!

I was so tense I actually screamed when Soup announced the result 😂😂 Luckily this only bothered my cat, who haughtily left the room (I assume cats would be PKers so he was probably rooting for Westham)

Oh that would be a ton of fun. It's (pretty) easy to think of gear with positive bonuses off the top of my head, because obviously that's usually what I want. I'd really need some time with the wiki's gear tables to figure out good options for negative bonuses.

I hate when people are like "oh, so-and-so isn't good at the game, it's a waste of time for them to be on GG, etc." The whole point of GG is to be more than just people sweating over PKing/PvM. And half the time the people who "aren't good at the game" are actually pretty good anyway! J1mmy's game knowledge is pretty good, and while he isn't a huge PvMer or PKer, he still has some experience with both.

Some of the funniest moments in GG episodes is reading the silly stuff in people's chats.

I can't see any circumstances where Framed or Settled would vote for each other, not unless they were literally the last two left in the competition.

Don't get me wrong, if they both got put in a banning or were the last two left, I believe they'd absolutely go for each other's throats, but it'd be a last resort for both of them.

I know Settled was hoping that winning the banning would get a target off his back, but judging by B0aty's response, that is definitely not the case... I'm rooting for Settled so hopefully it's just B0aty and other people are more willing to go after somebody else.

That being said... B0aty vs. Settled banning??? Please???

I actually really enjoyed the dock section which I'm aware makes me a psychopath.

Now the caves... those can die in a fire. Like my character did repeatedly trying to get through them.

I did hit and run with range and had no real issues tbh. You certainly gotta keep moving though. He will smack you.

I agree. The rule doesn't specify whether it means rigging a game with other players present or rigging a game for yourself, but it seems pretty clear that the intent of the rule is the former: not ruining the game for other players or unfairly manipulating it so other players lose.

If you're taking damage after dying, that's a bug. Report it in-game.

No, just agility level. Boosting with an agility potion or summer pie can help.

You mean like the season that had J1mmy, Settled, 8Sat, and Framed in an unbreakable 4-person alliance? Or the season with J1mmy, Settled, Framed, 9Rain, and Flutten?

If you thought there was any chance one of those would have voted each other out, you were dreaming.