What's with all the negativity? He's not sat down and tried to design some glamorous font, it's literally just his handwriting and that's the charm of it. I rate it, it's a tad gimmicky but who cares it's footie.

Personally think they should have got Aguero's handwriting though

Honestly knew we had lost when ederson was our keeper and the whistle blew for pens

I cant think of a single premier league keeper i wouldnt rather have in goal, other than onana

End of an era, cant wait to straddle into maiden with the boys and drop some sledgehammers on that bloody fountain

If Real Madrid play so much better with the roof closed, then why don't they always have it closed? Are they stupid?

Thats unreal, love it Cant help you find it tho

I couldnt tune in the game on Friday but I saw this moment on the highlights and got super pumped for it GO ON R KID KOVA Yesssss

Is this a warning that Overmars is behind me?

But it was Bravo CHAOS that caused Walker to end up in net...

Also Walker was unreal in goal


Ederson's reined it in over the last couple of seasons, gone are the days of him sprinting out of his box to superman punch our defenders

I love Dunne's own goal record but I can't let him be remembered for that, he was too good for us!! Also KOLO is in for the YAYA SYNERGY to incite CHAOS on the terraces

I've hated him since I was a child but he belongs in this squad


I shoulda put him in QPR colours to be fair, got sent off to win us the league

Yessssssss f55 +1 2s2l best era Rocking up with that hexhunterbow you promised to hand over 25m for, primal 2h and primal pl8 o baby suicide time

Gonna run out of arm if you keep adding dates

Even most starter guides are 150m+

Thats a very achievable level of capital for someone looking at end game content

The only easy way is to legally RWT by bonding bonds,

Complete nonsense, playing the game, doing slayer, low level pvm, basic skilling will easily build a bank value big enough to raid, its not a conspiracy

So it's not like you just need 100m+ in equipment, you need that on top of that like a 10m safety net.

Yes most activities require you to make an initial investment (for big returns) but in the case of raids you profit from them even without any purples or splits

don't want to feel like I'm weighing the team down or that I'm being hard carryed, which is why I started raids normal solo

Join a clan, make friends and try new things with them, or do enough solos to be confident enough to raid with randoms

The day before EoC dropped I yolo'd it to rev caves risking all my chaotics, claws, splashed out on morrigans and Vesta and just sent my entire RS career on one crazy night of PKing, bumped into several other people doing the same thing risking unconventional items.

Honestly coming home after school and logging in to see that ability bar was one of the saddest days, my favourite hobby was no more. Theyve done a great job of OSRS and ifs a far better game than pre eoc was imo

If di maria scored 25 goals in the world cup he would not get ballon d or

Anyone else reallllly excited about Kovacic and (potentially) Gvardiol?

They absolutely stink of Man City

Unless you bought your first tbow with bonds, surely you know exactly what it takes to rebuild one?

Pretty sure if we win the treble these kits will be on sale for eternity, so pray