yeah! I’m definitely considering used gpus, but here in spain the ones with a good price are usually on sites that don’t offer good buyer protection :/. Still on the lookout tho!! not givin up👀

Thank you for the advice! I’ve asked around and yeah it seems amd is not the best choice rn, I’m glad I asked 😭. I’ll compare the nvidia cards to see which is worth the money.

Hi! Yeah, you’d be right :) I already have an asus OLED calibrated display. I’m getting a second monitor

Great insight, thanks !!

I’ve been scrolling through the subreddit these past few hours and read others saying the same thing, I had no clue! Thank you

Best mid-budget GPU for vfx?Question / Discussion

PC Partpicker List

I'm a beginner to vfx but have invested into a carreer in 3D art and I'm trying to become an industry professional, the softwares I use are very demanding on hardware so I don't want to cheap out and end up with a weak PC. I've been working from a laptop for about a year on softwares like Maya, Substance, Zbrush, Unreal, Marmoset, Mari, Mudbox... I desperately need an upgrade.

I've researched tons online but it's difficult to find budget-friendly advice that applies to VFX. My top contender for a GPU rn is the 3060 since it's the only graphics card I found w/ 12GB of vram within the 300€ range, seems to me like very good value.

However, I'm looking at AMD cards like the 7800xt, 6950xt and 6750xt. Or even a 4060Ti. Is having a GPU with 12GB of vram a significant upgrade compared to an 8GB GPU for VFX? Is there a significant performance difference if I spend 200 more euros on a better GPU, or would I be comfortable with a 3060?

If I can excuse a 600€ GPU as a long time investment I'd consider it. I don't want to have to upgrade again soon.

I linked my current PC list. I'm considering a ryzen 7 processor instead of 9 so I can spend more on GPU - but it's half the cores (also half the price). Thoughts? Thanks in advance! I'm not tech savvy at all T.T


Awesome suggestions, thank you! Nice to see a fellow Galician :D. I’ll keep the Norway recommendations for the future if not for this summer.

I hear you!! I am very hyped about exploring the Pyrenees, hoping it’s our final choice honestly. My friends are avid hikers and have become a bit used to them, but apparently none of them have been to Ordesa so we might end up going through there ! :)

Ooo super interesting, I’ll look into it !! Hadn’t thought of it as an option ☺️ Tyty

i see, makes sense. my boyfriend had djs nearly 2 years ago and still thinks he hasn’t fully healed, so it’s helpful to hear other people’s experience.

hi, very curious, you say it took 3y for your face to settle. did you still have significant swelling then between their first and third year?

Europe hiking itinerary suggestions for girl summer trip by foot?Question

Hi! It's my first time posting here, I don't really hike but my friends do. We are planning a summer trip, about a week long. We want to go hiking and camping through mountains in Europe. We had originally hoped for the Dolomites but currently we're considering Pyrenees or French Alps since they're closer by. We live in Barcelona.

However, we are 8 girls, all 19-20 and can't really get a car for all of us. None of us have a big enough car, and renting a bigger one is not within our budget since we've had our license for very little.

Therefore we are hoping for a 5-7 day route which we could do by feet or bus! Without a car :p. I am totally foreign to hiking so I thought I'd come here for advice on possibilities, I don't know if it's common to do these kinds of trips without a car. We'd still consider anywhere in Europe as long as we wouldn't need a car once there.

oh this cleared a lot of things up !! thank you vm :)

nope, i actually remember it having some adult jokes

[PC] [2018] speaking dog helps police

i know this was not very long ago, but i totally forgot the name of the videogame. it’s a visual novel where you’re a police man in new york i think, and you meet a speaking police dog, together you both solve a crime. if i remember correctly, it was a man trafficking cows into the city. it has multiple choices and endings.

forgot to add! pretty sure it was from steam.