Got sober because I got pregnant and now I don’t see myself going back because I enjoy the clarity that comes with sobriety. Good luck on your journey!

I got induced at 39 weeks and my little nugget came out (via c-section because she was sunny side up) at 6lbs 2oz

I love the herb man! Definitely rooting for him next week

Why can’t people just mind their own fucking business.

I ate cake at my baby shower and didn’t even spike. I cleared it with my midwife before hand. Enjoy yourself!

I had mine at 34 weeks only because I wanted my dad to be in town for it.

How long before the doors open did you get there? I’m 8 months pregnant but still want a good seat!

Damn that video really put his work into perspective

I moved out of Ohio and this is one of the places I miss the most!! Such a great beer. Enjoy!

Because the world is so big and I wanted to see other places! Still love coming to visit my dad and honestly wouldn’t be against moving back one day.

I’m (33weeks) on nighttime insulin for fasting numbers but all others are diet/exercise controlled. Doctor said I’ll be getting induced at 39 weeks. This is my first and I’m not thrilled about being induced but if it’s what’s best for my baby to get her here healthy- that’s what I’ll do.

I don’t live around there anymore but check out the beer engine if you’re looking for amazing food and beer! My family went there every Christmas for their homemade pierogis and they are to die for! The owner is extremely nice as well.

Yes! My Stella is only around 70lbs and she is 6

It wasn’t the taste that was so off putting for me, just the sweetness. I threw it up the first time

Did you exercise afterwards? Normally even if I eat a little worse than usual and I exercise too much after my numbers can plummet