I honestly dont know who those women are. 😐

It definitely should come down. If a baker is in there at 2 pm making the next days bread and sweets, then how the F*** is that fresher than bakers going in for 3rd shift.

Why didnt you leave the game then? I kicked my whole team since the wouldnt stop complaining about how I did it. So what?!?! Have fun or leave the game

That shouldnt stop them from making one. The cinn rolls go from straight from the freezer to the oven. Only takes 30 min to make more

Sucks to have the other 3 join the lobby and get stuck not being able to join back and help. If they had the UI for it, then changed it to make it easier, is it considered hacking? I challenge anyone to do a Grenade Only run. Tip: bring jetpacks, it gets crazy

LMFAO omg yes. I cant wait to set traps for idiots now

Why do people act like They just won the game? Dude probably couldnt make it down the field to kick that shot without being winded afterwards

What is this boat?

Keep doind it. Then actually put in enough to kill a horse in 1 hour. Done

Now I wait with my clicker on extract team to ship just in case. Had several people pull this crap and I just forced us back to the ship with no rewards. Then block them lol.

It's only because that kinda stuff is exspensiiiiive 😢. I heard the changes are for all the customers who wanted cheaper options.

Old suit from HD1. So few rockets. Dont miss those times lol

If you're willing to steal, be ready to die for it. Sorry not sorry

Religious bullshit. missionaries are liars and obviously hateful people.

I'm sorry but I would have immediately kicked him, then broke his arm

Only if you're ready to lose max ammo supply and ammo if you reload early. 😐