Every Monday, Andy's Man Club in the UK, suicide prevention charity that runs weekly and has grown to 180+ groups nationwide. My group is now full of many men I call friends, is 100% confidential and supportive, and the relief that comes with getting anything you need to off your chest in question 3 is as freeing a feeling as anything you will ever feel.

lAndy's Man Club

One time working in Sainsbury's I had a rude customer who bought a half dozen flakes with their shopping. So naturally I broke them all as I put them in her bag 💁

Standing, and face value ... But will resale be available though? That is the question

Yes buts resale is not available just now

I think I've been misunderstood. I have tickets, but need to sell them. However the resale option on Ticketmaster is not available. Is anyone else in this predicament?

Copenhagen M72 tour72 Seasons

Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone has tickets to Copenhagen and is not able to resell/does not have the resale option through Ticketmaster Denmark, and if they have any advice on if that changes?

I have two 2 day passes I want to sell if you're interested but Ticketmaster doesn't allow a resale or transfer and it's a bit irritating so I'm trying to figure out how to sell them

You are doing a wonderful job.

Flew with my 5 month old recently. Grab your LO some ear defenders, makes a massive difference. Dulls the loud noises to a white noise for them and generally just keep them comfy on your lap and with some food for them handy, you'll be surprised at how calm both of you will be.

Being at the barrier at their secret show at the Barrowlands in 2005 when the bonechillin' Prelude 3.0 kicked off

Ah this is useful, thank you! Where do dividends get paid to?

Erm, I think it's a gain in the value of the share. Not sure mate. Not sure when it pays as a dividend (still a lot to learn)

Free funds❓ Invest/ISA Help

Hi all, relatively new to investing.

Got £10 in the ISA on the Vanguard S&P500 (Dist) with a 20p profit so far

Trying to find out in a hypothetical situation when it will appear in the Free Funds section, as that's sitting at £0.

The only thing I can find is that the £10 is used as collateral.

I don't want to withdraw it, just would like to know when I could as it's stopping me adding a few more pennies to the pot just now.

Does it make a difference if it's accumulative Vs distributed?

Punk my ass. Only good on the mic

Just yelling at them for no reason while you're in line for Greggs... You have 4 kids, wtf is wrong with you