A Lady is so underrated it's like 13 for Ruler of Everything but it's for &

Me too, we can play together, I think I'm pretty good, randoms are just always losing the games. I'd add you, I don't know how tho

Is Mandy for 79 gems worth it? I kinda want to have her but I don't know if I should spend my gems.

It's good, but it's hard to listen to for me, everytime I do I kinda cringe because it reminds me of all these weird videos that used the song.

i got no legendaries in 100 starr drop event so yeah i agree

Thanks, I wasn't really expecting an actual answer, I often try to interact more, but it just doesn't works out. I would be joining so many clubs if only there were any. My school literally has no additional hours, there are only obligatory lessons. I'll try to talk more though. Thanks.

Everyone is talking about the songs that don't even need defending, I'd defend Be Born, it's actually in my opinion very good

Thanks, I know there isn't really a way to solve to my problem. I'm not expecting a solution, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

How do you fall in love? How do you meet people perfect for you?Discussion

It's gonna be a long post, I just need to say it. I hope at least someone will read it.

It's a hard time for me currently. I'm asexual, but not aromantic, I think, because actually I feel like I could use some love. To have someone that I can talk to. I don't want to talk to my parents. I love them and they love me, but I'm already creating so many problems and I don't think they really understand me.

I'm 16 years old. I have never had a crush on someone, but there has been at least 2 people who had a crush on me. But it was based only on my looks (I don't even think that I look good) and I literally didn't know these people. They wouldn't even come up and talk to me. I had many friends but they turned their back on me. Since that moment I barely trust people. I avoid talking and I don't want anyone to know much about me. I'm scared they are gonna use these informations against me. How do you even get a crush on someone? I really want to meet that special person. Someone that I wouldn't be scared of. And someone I'd felt comfortable talking to. But everyone in my surroundings is just so... basic and mean and annoying... I really have nothing against them, but they're not for me. They gossip about other people and are very egoistic, some of them even egocentric.

I've heard so many stories about teenagers having a crush and being scared of confessing their feelings and all that stuff. But that's the easiest part. Don'g get me wrong, I know it's difficult but it wouldn't be for me. The worst thing is finding that one person. Once I do, it's gonna go easier and easier. I could experience so many emotions. I could spend time with that person and help them and it would be so exciting. But now, I don't know if that person even exist. And that thought scares me. Is my type just too specific? I'm attracted to girls. I had a girlfriend once, but it wasn't that serious. I don't really care about looks that much. And, as I mentioned, I'm asexual, which means I don't care about the sex stuff. To be honest, unlike most people, I prefer flat chests, just in terms of looks. And generally I like tomboys. But it doesn't matter that much to me, it's more of a "if I could choose" thing. Here's the hardest part about my "type". I want to help that person. A lot. Literally with anything. Because if they don't need my help I kinda feel useless. I just want to make that person happy and I want them to know that I'm always there if they are sad and need someone to talk to. It may be caused by my earlier relationship. The girl was kinda shy and didn't have many friends at the beggining. But then, when we started dating, we met so many people, and she just talked to them instead. We went from messaging every hour to once a week. At one point she wouldn't even talk to me at school at all. So we broke up. Now I'm scared of losing someone if they don't need my help. I don't know if it makes sense. I hope it's a least a bit understandable. But, other than that, I really like people who appreciate art, mainly music and drawing.

I like to imagine that somewhere there is a person just for me and we are both waiting until the fate connects us. But the more specific traits I give to that imaginary person, the smaller is the chance that they exist. And I'm losing hope that I will ever meet someone for me. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe my "standards" are too high. I don't know. But on the other hand, I really couldn't stand even a week in a relationship with someone from my school or other surroundings.

I'm actually good at talking with people. I don't stress, I carry a conversation well, I have good habits and I think I might be kinda likable a bit. I just choose not to talk to people because why bother if I heard them saying bad stuff about someone behind their back and behaving mannerless. I don't even want to talk to them.

I don't know what I even expect from posting it here. I don't know what I want. Maybe someone is in the same situation and can relate. Then they'd know they are at least not alone in this. Sorry for any language mistakes, English is my second language and I'm not feeling well when writing this.

Why does Morris kinda look like a Spooky Month character

Listen to The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical. It was made by one of the Tally Hall members. It's even weirder and more interesting. It's also telling a story, which is a part of a bigger story, told in the album Hawaii Part II. The album is an abstract project and can be interpreted in any way you want. Based on your & description, I think you might like it.

The existing travelling merchant wouldn't be affected by that change, only the next one that arrives. So the item would stay in his stock and the same price even if the law gets cancelled. The next one that arrives would have his normal random pool of items again.


I agree. The war options aren't very balanced, and they need some changes. Maybe just make armies more difficult during wars? Or just drop less items. I don't want this option to make other items useless, and it would need to be more unique. And now when I think about it, he should be available in pre-hardmode by purificating his demon form in Underworld, just like Tax Collector in hardmode. He would still be automatically purified after killing the Wall of Flesh. That way it would be a challenge to get him early, but still available to get before getting any NPCs (purification powder can be obtained from shimmering the corruption/crimson powder which doesn't require dryad). Buffing NPCs sounds cool, but, you're right, it wouldn't fit the Politician well and it would be better for a different NPC.

EDIT: Corruption Powder would also work, because he's a politician

Any way to buy official merch? Other

I just love the T-shirt and the shirt on the official store page. Do they get restocked, at all? If yes, how long do I need to wait? Or maybe I can buy it somewhere else? I want them so bad. Thanks in advance.

To be honest I just picked Angler to make Politician less likeable, someone who likes mean and selfish people like Angler. That's also why I added the Voodoo lore, because politians are often manipulative and control other's lives. Of course it's just a stereotype and I'm not saying all politicians are like this.

It would prevent random NPCs spawning underground (bound wizard, stylist etc) and skeleton merchant, so they wouldn't decrease spawn rate and be detected as a rare creature (when looking for a specific enemy). Also it would allow the player to just not have a specific NPC if they don't want to.

Thanks. To be honest I don't think the internal laws are that OP, maybe except for higher taxes, which, I admit, I didn't really calculate. Now when I think about it, I would make it post Golem. It would be useful after NPC happiness isn't that important anyway. There's a lot of ways to farm large amounts of money at that point, so this option would make it easier for an exchange of NPC happiness. I think making peace would be a good option at any point, because you paid a big amount of money to just not be attacked by an army you already defeated. It would be very useful when building or farming. Declaring a war, however, I would change, probably by automatically ending the war after defeating an army 10 times or something like that, then you would need to pay again, but wouldn't it just be better to use summoning items? I don't know, but there's got to be a way to balance it.

Thanks, it was also hard for me to come up with a name, so I just decided to not overthink it and went with Politician