The solution was to use the Kadence theme and use the Mega Menu.

It's not uncommon for search engines to take some time to index new websites, especially if they don't have much traffic or incoming links initially. However, there are a few things you can do to potentially speed up the indexing process for your Blogger site:

  1. Submit your site to search engines: While search engines will eventually discover your site on their own, you can expedite the process by submitting your site directly. For Google, you can use the Google Search Console to submit your Blogger site for indexing.
  2. Create quality content: Regularly publish high-quality content on your Blogger site. Fresh and engaging content can attract search engine crawlers and encourage them to index your site more frequently.
  3. Internal linking: Make sure your new blog posts are linked from other pages within your site. Internal linking helps search engine crawlers discover new content more efficiently.
  4. External promotion: Promote your Blogger site through social media, forums, and other online communities. Increased visibility and traffic can signal to search engines that your site is valuable and worthy of indexing.
  5. Check for technical issues: Ensure that your Blogger site is properly configured for search engine optimization (SEO). Check for any technical issues that may prevent search engines from crawling or indexing your site, such as broken links or improper meta tags.

While it's great that your Medium site was indexed quickly, keep in mind that each website is unique and may be indexed at different rates. By following these tips and being patient, you should see your Blogger site indexed in due time.

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ماهو تعريف معدل الزحف في google search console؟

معدل الزحف هو مصطلح عام يصف عدد مرات وعدد الصفحات التي يزحف إليها Google ويفهرسها من موقع ويب معين خلال فترة زمنية محددة.

فالعوامل التي تؤثر على معدل الزحف في أى موقع الويب هى هيكلة الموقع وطرق التنقل فيه ، والمحتوى المكرر داخل الموقع ، وأخطاء Soft 404 بالموقع ، والصفحات منخفضة القيمة به ، وكذلك سرعة موقع الويب ومشكلات القرصنة التى يتعرض لها اى موقع ويب.