While they are clearly taking advantage of this sad situation, talking about a departed loved one is not a bad thing. In fact, it helps honour them and keep their memory alive.

Not to mention the assault charges. If true, the only place where he could avoid being a drunken fool is Utah.

Montreal is an international destination for those who want to be drunken fools.

MTL - NHL :61207:

More recently, it's how Edmonton came back against Florida and also how Florida won game 7. You lose and solve for the reasons that made you lose. If you win, keep doing that. You also have to preemptively antivipate the other team's adjustment for the other team's adjustment.

Toronto always seems to do the same thing and expects different outcomes. Whether that's the coach or whether it's the group of players not able to execute on the coaching strategy is up for debate. We'll test that this season with Keefe in NJ and Berube in Toronto.

In the last decade, the number of points needed to make the playoffs varied from 91 to 97 points in the Eastern Conference. The Habs finished last season at 76 points. So they'd need 15 to 21 more points than last season, which could include 1-goal losses in regulation becoming regulation wins with 2 goals per game, 1-goal regulation losses becoming overtime wins with 1 additional regulation goal and an OT goal or shootout win.

If they cut their losses in overtime by half from last year, that's 8 more points. Then they'd need to get at most 13 other points or 7 other games with winning outcomes rather than losing.

There's also the factor that their overall defensive core is more experienced and hopefully more effective, making games closer and easier to win in regulation or forceover time.

One top-6 guy, only scoring game winning goals wouldn't be enough of a difference. There is a whole other level of plateau that this team needs to reach via improvement of individual skill and performance to even dream of that.

Then again, if they have just one season where the entire roster has minimal injuries, they could be a darkhorse playoff team.

Only time will tell.

Take the kids inside. One parent watches them, and the other unloads the car.

We're so ADHD as a society that we immediately problem solve something that would be solved with just a trace of patience and making 2 trips to unload the car.

But no, let's risk brain damage to our kids.

You say that, but I say just make multiple trips FFS.

Oh god damn did I get whoosed until they explained it

It's especially brutally when you're trying to 100% the game. Exploring is much less a priority

It fits the spirit of Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow well. Just turning away from danger and fleeing shamelessly.

MTL - NHL :61207:

Not just the Commissioner, the CBA as well

MTL - NHL :61207:

3 seconds left in the game, and you're down by one goal. Shoot the puck over the glass to stay alive and try to score shorthanded

A defenceman who goes unnoticed isn't always a bad defenceman. We are also full of young, promising defencemen, and that is skewing our assessment of him. I think he for sure gets taken if he's put on waivers.

MTL - NHL :61207:

Like, I'm going to remember all 82 dates anyway. I'll just go to the website. You might as well have fun with it. I am jealous of NJ's announcement, though.

Kent says no: "We have a lot of young players that are developing… I wouldn’t want to stunt somebody’s growth for something that was an older player for a long-term deal. Stuff like that, that would set back the rebuild.”

While Robertson isn't older, he definitely would take a spot from a higher potential forward in the pipeline. He's no Rutger McGroarty. For that type of player, you see if you can make it work.

MTL - NHL :61207:

Teams can just have a player financial manager who takes care of this for players. True about the cashflow part of it, but that's much of an issue fornplayers at the high end of compensation, just those below average.

I'd love for the next CBA to have an annual taxation index that set a % of money players would receive to offset local tax rates that were not part of the cap.

Since all of the high value teams are in high tax locations, you'd think they'd all push for something that levels the playing field there.

I 100% think this is part of the reason why we don't see Canadian teams winning the cup.

:hosea_matthews: Hosea Matthews

Yeah, that ain't no Arabian. It's a West Virginian.

MTL - NHL :60807:

FFS, no one is getting canceled. Unclutch your pearls.

I liken depression to a flame-fearing monster in the dark, and you are the torch-holding hero. Slashing your torch into the pitch black at every sign of depression approaching

Now that I have felt it take control, the first thoughts that would lead to the downward spiral of self-loathing rumination are the ones I banish. It's much easier to fight the small negative thoughts than let it grow into a monster that wants to kill me.

MTL - NHL :61207:

More like league rejoices. The Ducks will need to take bloated contracts to reach the cap floor.

MTL - NHL :61207:

Wouldn't the team with the fewest back to backs just have even fewer back to backs if the season starts earlier? Seems it wouldn't make it more fair, just easier on the teams who already have it easiest.

MTL - NHL :60807:

Not sure if you're mocking the fact that Toronto would likely overspend on Brandon Tanev or if you think there is only one Tanev in the NHL.