Forcing an animal against their will unnecessarily is wrong. The goats feel pain and joy. They recognize people even after seeing them after a long time and wag their tails. They love to play head pushes.

And yet, people still breed them, confine them, year them like objects, and ultimately kill the innocent ones, most of them still young. Some even rape them for goat milk.

What a cruel world from their perspective. I'd never support abusing animals. It's surprising how atheists who use logic actually turn their brains off to support and justify their immoral behavior when it comes to meat, dairy and eggs.

Wrong. Plants can't suffer pain, express joy, feel bored, etc. They don't have a central nervous system. Cutting a carrot doesn't make it scream.

The audacity to decide the meaning of other species existence .. πŸ‘

And they're both morally wrong. Doesn't matter what's worse

Does legality equal morality?

When hypocrites are the majority

Doesn't justify torturing and killing billions of animals every year. About 95% of all land animals are farm animals. We don't need to suffer then for our inconveniences.

Farm animals get their B12 from supplements or fortified foods too. They don't make B12 on their own. Hence, we can cut the middle man and eat the supplements or fortified foods ourselves.

A LOT of plant based sources for proteins like creatine exist

One can survive and thrive on plant based diet at all phases of life. Look it up

I agree. However, there's literally billions of humans who do this to animals everyday in the name of food

Do you eat meat? Consume dairy or eggs? If so, you are also a human who forces other beings for your pleasures

I hope your logic stays consistent when it comes to the animals that we kill and eat. There are billions of farm animals going through worse situations. We all could go vegan and stop animal abuse.

Dang! I was like "hey hey I was there, I recognize this place!" And had to confirm. This is a gem of a place. A bit underrated

I think one has to know the other person at a very deep level before deciding to spend the rest of their life with them, don't you think?

This case in particular seems like a crime. Gotta involve the elders, get divorced ASAP and demand some compensation from the bride.

Exactly. I mean, that's why you gotta do it before the marriage

Stop consuming dairy. The more vegans there are in the world, fewer stray cows. Remember, a cow has to give birth to a calf to produce milk, just like any other mammal. They are artificially inseminated for that purpose. And the calf is ignored and let go if they're a male. If female, they are raped and abused for milk. This is a vicious cycle, sometimes causing this unfortunate event.

Bro deleted his old video on shambhala. Now videos look AI generated unfortunately

But tbh barbell is extremely harsh. He takes movies too seriously, especially the movies that are self aware of their mindless fun. And idky he doesn't connect to good love stories. Koncham puvvulani ammayilani chupinchali emo.

Bro didn't watch previous works of Nagi, but judges his potential, that was such an eye roller.

I think his reviews are bad, but he's entertaining nonetheless

If you have a backyard, plant a tree with all your friends and arrange a small party. You'll remember the moment when you see the tree's growth later in life

I want to pick a few parts in the story which I really enjoyed, but I still can't believe that the ending was the best part for me. "Do you wonder about other alien species out there?" and Grace still continuing teaching, but with aliens and they still are as messy as human kids lol