I’ve seen this same post like 6x recently

Not a child of an immigrant but my mom was severely low income, raised me on a salary in the $10,000 a year range.

I now make almost 7x that, I don’t know another country that would allow me to have that type of mobility.

Yes I am. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and I love the rights/freedom this country affords me.

That’s why I give the homeless the crusts of my bread slices, they shouldn’t be worrying about what food they get if they’re starving

I somewhat agree, but it’s important to remember that legislators and judges aren’t experts and cannot write to every exception that an expert may know.

I don’t think democracy is at stake, but this certainly isn’t a good move.

When legislators or the judicial branch try to regulate things they don’t understand, things go very poorly.

I think this will lead to a lot of waste with tax payer funds between the lawsuits and poorly written regulations

Not accusing you of saying so at all, I was trying to address the pressure to bring state workers fully in office.

I think you have a very reasonable opinion

I think we pretty much agree, city council has been incredibly ineffective. I completely understand the need to push money into our downtown, but it shouldn’t have to be at the expense of state workers.

Whatever red tape is holding it up needs to be removed. I go to downtown because that’s the only food near us, not because I like downtown. People need to like downtown lol

I will go downtown when I’m in office, so I understand the need. However, this shouldn’t be the long term plan and there needs to be something concrete to change this.

This is one of those things where I’m empathetic but not willing to be back in office full time for.

I don’t mind hybrid, but I will be damned if their long term plan is to force people in office for “development”. Considering most public employees are taking a paycut in the name of doing good for our society, that’s a big ask.

I wouldn’t mind for a temporary period but genuinely I don’t have faith in our local government to succeed with this.

Something similar to the Lansing Shuffle would do numbers.

This is a large chunk of the problem, businesses shouldn’t base their entire business plan on state workers

If you need a job then take it, but I wouldn’t make it a career there

Enjoy it while it lasts lol. It feels like yesterday I got my first job and now I manage contracts worth 50mil+

It’ll suck but you’ll have your own money at least lol. When I think about how shitty working is, I remember how I bought my PS5

They turned it down, the Glassdoor reviews were a bit scary

Yeah and a few other things. My role was a bit different than the posters but still 1102

Feel free to DM me for more info, trying to keep is scarce here

Not an offer but I’m 99% sure I got it

Know someone who was hired recently, this is what they went through as well

Tayshaun Prince :prince:

It wasn’t trendy then sorry

The way we’re heading with folks blasting each other online, it could happen to anyone.

Recently saw some teenage sexual assault victim being blasted for gasp behaving like a teenage victim of sexual assault! All over Twitter, some people have no shame

You hit the nail on the head. It’s definitely a social skill thing. You’ve gotta know what topics they’re interested in and find the overlap.

I feel a bit weird talking to Gen alpha, but I’m sure once they hit the workplace we will get along just fine

I get along with them pretty well. My work besties are millennials and my mentor is Gen X

I am the only Gen z on my team and we go up to the boomer range, I get along pretty damn well with all of them.

They laugh at my youthful scrappiness and I laugh at their lack of technology abilities. Nonetheless, it’s all in good fun and we help each other out however we can

I’m actually going up to one of my work besties boat to…relax with him and his crazy ass family lol

I usually agree with you, but I’ll be nit picky here and say there’s a difference between that and mastery.

For example, I currently have RFPs that are worth maybe a couple mil at most. My experienced coworkers have some that are worth 30mil+

The skill sets are similar, but I’d argue they have mastery over me.