WE THE PEOPLE! Are gonna vote for a guy who shits all over the constitution every day he breathes.. -Conservatives

The rest of the developed world was against the Nazi’s.. my point stands.

There’s a reason why every comment you make is getting downvoted into oblivion. Let’s think about why. Either you’re wrong, or nearly everyone else is wrong. Which one do you think is more likely? I’ll give you a hint: Occam’s razor.

My wife and I spent somewhere in the realm of 15-20k to get an “extra” two years of life for our dog. She had cancer and needed multiple surgeries, chemo, radiation, and special food. The first year and change she had a good quality of life, save for surgery recoveries which lasted 3-4 weeks each. The better part of the second year wasn’t so good, especially toward the end when we made the impossibly hard decision to help her on her way. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I believe if you’re not willing to give it your all and treat your pet as a family member, you don’t deserve their company to begin with. I would (and did) everything I could do for that dog, and I’d do it all over again, even if it meant I had to make significant sacrifices elsewhere in my life.

Saladino is a total hack and a fraud. You’re seeing results in spite of following his advice, not because of it. If you’re doing the work, you’ll see results. These fad diets are dangerous long term. Go check out Layne Norton’s videos where he has, on multiple occasions, called Saladino out for bogus claims and giving vulnerable people bad advice (leading to or worsening eating disorders) just so he can make a buck. Vegetables are a critical part of every human being’s diet. Anyone who says otherwise, especially without supporting data (looking at outcomes, not simply mechanisms) is lying to you. Look at studies that include human randomized control trials; not studies where they give lab mice +20,000% more than the safe levels of a given substance and use that as a reason to avoid oatmeal or broccoli. Good luck.

2023 Cadillac Escalade Chirp/Squeal

Hey guys. Really strange one (to me) here. Whenever slowing down to 15mph or below from a higher speed, the engine produces what sounds like a pulley chirp/squeal. I can reproduce this 100% of the time. I know for sure it’s not the brakes because it happens whether braking or not. Happens whether AC is on or not as well. Has anyone experienced this before or know what it is? This is the 6.2 liter.

Fuck that dealer. “This is an excellent deal”. Uh.. no it’s not. You’re trying to mark the shit up out of a car by putting ~$1000 (at best) worth of useless add-ons on the car and charging over $3000 for them, and then tacking a $1000 markup on it ON TOP of that. They’re just trying to take advantage of people. Good on you for not having it.

Why are there so many wubby simps in this sub?

Benchmade is overpriced garbage. Spyderco all day, every day. Better grind, better materials, better design, better clip (love the wire clip - I know that is subjective), and more often than not, less expensive. Benchmade has gone off the deep end with their pricing, and the half a dozen or so I’ve owned over the years have never wowed me. Between blade play, uneven grinds, poor centering, and now the outrageous price increases for substandard materials, I could never recommend a Benchmade in good conscience. Plus, that SpydieChef is gorgeous.

“did not meet the standards our customers are used to”.. you mean, like never receiving the products they ordered? Cause this absolutely meets those standards, lmao.

I was with you until this comment. I believe this is a defective product. Or rather, possibly a design flaw. Apparently the failures are caused by insufficient oil making it to the lifters, causing the engine to seize. That’s not a random failure.

I’ve gone on a lot of cold streaks too. I’m either red hot or ice cold. The other cards I’m trying to get right now are any of the mana crypt or cavern of souls variants from LCI (or an emblem card, lmfao) and a textured jeweled lotus from CMM. Those ones.. not going so well lol.

Yes, this is exactly it. If you swipe through the product images, you’ll eventually see one of a black and white sleeved booster. That’s what it comes in. I only ever buy “ships from and sold by Amazon” product and have never received resealed magic boosters this way.

I mean the thin white cardboard sleeved boosters from (exclusively?) Amazon.

Stochastic terrorism is nothing new for conservatives. Calling for violence is kind of their M.O. now.

I went hard on 2X2, so I’ll use that as my example, since the sample size was pretty large. While I didn’t record numbers (so take this with a grain of salt), I absolutely hit more textured cards from single collector boosters (the sleeved or boxed ones) than from the collector booster boxes. I don’t necessarily know that the real statistics (if there even are any recorded anywhere) would back that up. After all, this is all anecdotal. As far as WoE, I have bought a total of three boxes and got one confetti. I’ve also bought around a dozen single packs (pulled from booster boxes) on streams, and have pulled one confetti that way. I’ve also bought around a dozen (give or take a few packs) sleeved single boosters and have pulled three confettis that way. TLDR: I tend to make out better with the sleeved single boosters than with booster boxes, but YMMV. And it is more expensive this way as they usually charge $3-4 more per pack vs how much each pack in a booster box costs.

Lmao, I knew I’d get flak about having bought from Amazon. Well deserved. Only reason I do it is because they’re one of the only sellers that offers the sleeved single boosters. They’re a bit more expensive to buy that way, but the odds of pulling a special variant (or more than one) in 12 single boosters is higher than in a booster box.