Shit on a shingle! Basically hamburger with gravy over toast!

He ainā€™t wrong unfortunately

13 yrs old at a bar with my BFF and her parents and we saw The Black Crowes! Oh the good old days of sneaking sips of beer n the band was actually pretty good too!

First thought: ā€œWeā€™re here to fuck shit up!ā€

Send them this password: Th!sjObsuxxa$$

Id love to see their response lol

Another rule Iā€™d like to add that I do and ask anyone who helps me to do is to ALWAYS ASSUME YOU ARE BEING RECORDED, so donā€™t say or do any dumb shit like steal, break something n not say something, curse loudly, or even fart lol

A rule of thumb that I have for myself or anyone I bring with to help is to keep all talking to a minimum while always being kind to the client if they r chatty Kathyā€™s, ALWAYS respect the privacy of any other clients so no talking about how they keep their house, or ANY personal info about others should be divulged and lastly, if u listen to music either use just 1 headphone or if the client is home n ok with it (ask permission ā€œwould it bother u if I put some light music on phone while I work?ā€) that music better not be offensive in anyway. On my free time I listen to music that could be pretty offensive to others so Iā€™m not some prude or anything, but Iā€™m not trying to put any sort of a negative light on my businessā€¦so probably wouldnā€™t listen to rap or even some of the mainstream music that has cussing or talks about sex,drugs,etc., and if a bad song comes on I rush to skip it if need be. We are trying to look professional and that means if I wouldnā€™t do it in an office setting where the CEO is in the office, then I wouldnā€™t do it in a clients home.

She was just absolutely beautifulā€¦sending you healing hugs friend ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

Whatā€™s the best back pack style vac you have found? Iā€™d love to invest in one but does it pick up as good as a shark with those 2 beater bars (one is the cloth kind for dust)?

Omg I owe them so much moneyā€¦.and I definitely bought their music subscription shit even as a minor lolā€¦.shhh donā€™t tell em where they can find me šŸ˜†

This movie was great lol! So many memories come flooding back! Husband still sings the ā€œone leg over my shoulder, two legs over my shoulder and ā€œ well u know the rest šŸ¤£

This is awesome! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

Good pointā€¦for the work we do, $150 is the least we should be making to clean others shit lol