Hilton’s website is very user friendly and with my status that I’ve accrued I know I’ll always be taken care of by the hotel if there is an issue. I don’t feel that same sense of security when it comes to 3rd party bookings. I hear far too many people being told at hotel counters that they cannot help them they need to call the site through which the booking was made. That may not be a big deal to some, and certainly to each their own but I travel for work and a sense of security that everything is going to go smoothly is worth more to me than saving my company a few dollars or a more aggressive point structure.

Something every golfer in Phoenix has to decide upon. 105 is my line. For me it just stops being fun after that. But I know guys that will get out there at 110 plus.

LAK - NHL :60706:

It is truly hilarious that Disney knew they needed a “bad” team for D2 and they landed on a country that didn’t even have an organized national team until 5 years after the movie came out. But it did have the word “ice” in it.

Man do I love this band. Their sound is just fantastic.

No. Im saying that the budget for this one isn’t $80 million and CONMEBOL didn’t move their prized event to the US because they’re good natured.

They’re handing out $60 million in prize money alone in this tournament.

I didn’t say the decision was wrong. I said the call was wrong. The decision is correct given the assets at their disposal. He’s a foot offside in reality. Again with regard to cost; who cares? There are 14 stadiums hosting the tournament, so you’re talking $28 million total. That’s a rounding error on the total budget of this tournament. And again, you aren’t choosing between fixing fields and accurate VAR. you can have both.

They did NOT get this right. They did what they could with the technology they had but do not confuse that with getting the call right. We may have gotten by without this technology for decades but that doesn’t mean they should be burying their heads in the sand when better options are available. I don’t care how much it costs, this tournament is going to make a massive amount of money and there is undeniably room in the budget for the best technologies available. Other issues, field conditions, etc, are problems as well but they are not mutually exclusive. Both can and should have been done better.

Right. Not sure what you're trying to say, I don't speak 6 year old.

80s Crown

A little rich but he's an excellent second pair defenseman that is responsible in his own end and won't hurt you going forward. You can definitely win with Matt Roy.

80s Crown

Which is appropriate because that's exactly what it is.

LAK - NHL :60706:

9:30 in the morning too early for a drink or what's the rules here?

LAK - NHL :60706:

Pretty happy with that. Good business by Blake today.



Each stop covers anywhere from 14-28 gates depending on the stop. It has not been my experience that it’s a 5 minute walk if you lose the gate lottery. Sometimes I get lucky, but the odds are rarely in my favor.

EDIT: I dare a downvote here to refute anything I said.

I feel like DFW is loved by locals and loathed by everyone else. It’s a terrible airport to have to transfer planes at. You can land and commonly still be 30 minutes plus from a gate. Skylink gets you in the right zip code of your gate but you can still easily be 20 something gates from where you need to be. Those things combined with weather uncertainties and endless construction make it an airport I avoid like the plague. I have to fly through it next week and I’m already anxious about it.

Do you not have status with your airline given the frequency of your travel? This has happened to me before but the priority lane never closes as far as I know. It's not as quick as Pre-Check because you're still in a line with people who have to take their shoes off, empty their electronics etc. but it's still better than the full line.

You were/are right about who he is. I just don’t blame people for wanting to believe what he said because it was exactly what they wanted to hear. Sports is a passion play anyways so it’s hard for me to criticize people for letting their heart dictate their minds. It obviously would have been better for people to have seen him for what he was early on, but I get it.

Hopefully, as dark as this chapter has been for hockey in Arizona, this is the first step in moving towards an ownership group that cares and an arena that works for the team. There’s a lot between here and there but I don’t doubt that there is more than enough support for a team that is competently run in Phoenix. The league also clearly values the market given the efforts they’ve made to keep them here over the last two decades so I’d imagine that Phoenix would top any expansion list with the appropriate structure in place.