I'm visiting family at the moment, left all my work shit at home, and have not contacted anyone I work with. It's very freeing and good for my mental health, not having to worry about anything but enjoying myself.

My extended family watched that movie and my sister and I HATED it. I don't even like dogs, but that was gross. And honestly so was the rest of the movie. Hated the asshole main character.

Partassipant [2]

There are other ways to do it than selling your body. I know people who have taken Americorps positions or worked at summer camps year round to avoid homelessness. So long as the job offers housing, you don't have to stick around for 4 years.

Most children need "explicit, systemic" literacy education focused on phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. It's currently an education movement called The Science of Reading. It's currently policy in some thirty odd states and gaining in more.

So, no, your kid isn't going to teach themself to read. You neglectful asshole.

Partassipant [2]

She might just be having a bout of the 13s. Yes, med effects can change with development, but also 13yos have immense capacity to be self-centered assholes at times. That's not insulting your daughter, I and everyone I love had at least one asshole moment around that time. Hormones and half-baked brains are a deadly combination.

Due to the anxiety being part of her narrative of teen angst, you should probably consult her therapist to talk about how to appropriately set boundaries around her actions. If she's anxious about something, it's not appropriate to make someone else alter their life to suit hers. She can choose to go and face her anxiety of people potentially staring at the group or she can stay home. That is a separate issue from the fact that it is very insulting to treat her sister's body like it is disgusting.

You're doing the best you can, some kids just get hit with the teenage stick reeeeeeal hard.

As if Rudy Giuliani wasn't warned that putting his terrorism response crisis center, formed after the last terror attack at the World Trade Center, right next to the site of the disaster it was responding to might be a bad idea. Like, no shit it's in the path of disaster when you were told it might be!

My counter-conspiracy theory is that Giuliani is having that conspiracy theory pushed to distract from his incompetence.

If I'm struggling to see the cars ahead of me, those behind me are likely struggling to see me. I actually did flip mine on during the storm Friday, though I wasn't in Columbus and don't know how the storm compared. I saw plenty of other people do it too and I think it helped me keep back from cars I might've misjudged the distance on or missed altogether.

It's not exposing anything, Jack Parsons was a fucking weirdo. He joined a religion started by Aleister Crowley and one of his exes left him for L. Ron Hubbard. He was involved in a sex ritual to bring forth a child embodiment of a goddess or something. Also, was known for a poor safety record and eccentric personality.

Now, he was fired by the aeronautics company funded by NASA in part due to his leadership of a well-known magic lodge with a reputation for weird sex stuff (earned) and then blacklisted during McCarthyism, so he does not by any means represent the whole of the space movement, but I bet this is about Jack Parsons.

Weird to politicize him though.

Is she even Jewish? Because there's a lot of Evangelical cosplayers. Not saying Jewish people can't also be crazy, but it does often seem like there's types of people crazy multiplies in.

Better than the alternative. There was someone on r /wellthatsucks a couple days ago who ate several pounds of blueberries a day and was in the hospital for an impacted colon.

I'm pointing out that the above person didn't read the comment they responded to.

It's cute how you didn't pay attention to anything I said. I highlight my lips because I think my lips themself are pretty, especially when I smile. So I call attention to a part of myself I like.

Plenty of people do literally all of those things for novelty, so I don't know why you can't understand this concept t all.

Orrrrr you have to like novelty. When I dye the ends of my hair a bright color, I don't hate my original hair. My hair is gorgeous, but I also look like a mermaid when I dye the ends, and that's fun. When I decide my lips look extra nice today, so I add some extra color to highlight the shape, that's not me dissing my lips' natural color, that's me affirming my love for myself by drawing eyes to a feature that I especially like that day. When I match my eyeshadow to my clothes, that's not hating my eyes, that's knowing the color I'm wearing makes them pop and I want to emphasize that.

Change itself is the point. Most of us have object permanence and know that mixing things up doesn't change who we are.

It's a hard word to spell even when you're well rested and English is your first language. I hope your trip goes well!

Why are you so determined they're not? My face is pretty without makeup, and with makeup, it's pretty but in fun colors.

It's considered abandoned property, essentially. For the same reason it isn't illegal to go through someone's trash.

While you're in, see if they can't get you a screening for a couple of things. Might give you some interesting perspective on yourself, might just give you a chance to do something different, either way you won't be both bored and in pain.

Actually, you can find screeners for various things online. Maybe do a couple with your wife. You won't have most of the things you can screen for (there's a lot of options) but it could remind you of funny memories. My family sometimes does random screeners as a bonding activity and it's always ended in us remembering stories about each other we don't often think about.

Partassipant [2]

My parents are the beneficiaries of my (very low) plan. I'm single and it's just enough to close out the debts I have and cover my funeral. I plan on upping it next year slightly so that they have no financial concerns waiting for me should the worst happen.

Straight up I didn't notice their absence. I've been real busy at work so I missed that announcement. It was kinda nice, honestly.

Yes. A job is 100% better for many women than being stuck at home all day. There's a reason a lot of middle class women in the 1950s were on a lot of drugs.