Oh, that's so good to hear! I still have some tingling in my left hand but I think it's just cause i'm still really swollen. I'm hoping all the pain goes away.This has been a rough year

Have you tried to sell it to the city?

Yeah, i've had this problem for a really long time and my husband kept talking me out of getting surgery because he's like you're gonna have to be off work for like six months! Which really shouldn't have mattered at all, considering he made enough.And i'm his g****** wife.Take care of me, please.

Its Ma'am lol and it's my right leg. Partially, due to work probably but also due to an accident I had while on a work trip last year. That really f***** my right side. My leg was fractured. My arm was fractured. I still have pain in my knee. And my ankle, the right side of my calf. 🙃

25 Year vet in the kitchen here and I have been on disability since january first of this year due to carpal tunnel in both of my wrists and cubital tunnel in both my elbows. But I still have not been able to address the pain in my back and my leg. I've never been so depressed and felt so worthless. If i've learned anything, it was stop sucking it up, stop. Take care of you first. And f*** anyone who wants to make little whiny.Baby sounds at you.I was working with a fractured.Leg and a fractured arm and I had some servers talking s*** to me.Gotta hate the f****** front of the house so much.

The smaller tiles look like envelopes with stamps too😃

That made me cry 💜 I was with my husband for 17 years and it's still fresh

I wish! All I ever wanted was to be a team and for him to be proud of me. I'm glad there are guys out there who treat their women like queens

This maybe a dumb question, buy what kind of adhesive is used?

This. Is. amazing! 👏👏👏

This sounds like what I need. I love acrylic nails... but I have a difficult time, making time to keep up maintenance.

Claremont is perfect for a college student.The village is cute and fun.There's some really good bars and restaurants And craft breweries in that area. There is a lot of shady areas, so walking around Is it too bad.

I like go to the top of etawanda. At least in that area, you're up high enough, and you can see the whole valley. or drive down to mount rubido.That would probably give you a great view.

I returned to a restaurant that I opens and had left, but there were new owners and they loved it when I was there, so they asked me to come back. Immediately, this stuff was p***** off. The guys literally pushed me out of the kitchen. They would only speak Spanish around me, even though all of them spoke english. And I had the biggest guy he was like 6 foot 5 probably 325 lbs. Come up to me and tell me that I was gonna be gone soon. One way or another. He went to the GM and said that I was trash. I didn't know how to cook. Nobody liked my food. I was going to make the restaurant fail. And I needed to go. He really thought that was gonna work out in his favor🤣 They bought the dying restaurants and brought me back to make it what it was. It was such a hostile environment.

I'm a female executive chef, and most of my kitchen is male. It's a mixed bag. Some guys will respect me right off the bat. Others. They have to see me in the trenches with them and see what I do to respect me.But honestly, sometimes I just go to my sous Chefs and have them deal with it, cause it's f****** frustrating.

There's one like this in Ontario California just off the 10 fwy

There is, but you've got to be really good. L o l. My pastry chef is the only one in her department. She works Monday thru Friday and typically works 6-8 hrs