He does have the air of a thirdborn son about him...

My first run I was so clueless he ended up being my only romance actually, because his was much easier to complete.

Eww that's a BABY. We're talking about doing a bear, but we have limits man...we have limits!

This one?

Jaheira: I said a peek behind the city’s mask, Astarion - not a look up its skirts.

Astarion: Jaheira! What do you think of me?

Yeah I would honestly have put Cazador above Balthazar...Balthazar is a mess but he seems fairly incompetent which...lessens the scale? Cazador is an abuser on top of mass murder and it just...feels worse.

The monks during the transition to Act 3? I was finally smart enough this honor run to do an extra long rest so I could short rest going into the act 3 transition. Much easier that way!

What in the sweet hells were you thinking?! He was RIGHT THERE!

Why are you resurrecting her? She will bring herself back.

No this is just a hard fight. It requires you to think more strategically than I think any other fight in the game. You can see on this thread that a lot of people struggle with it, and I was SUPER nervous going into it on honor even with my strategy mapped out.

Yeah I don't always one-shot the mindflayer, but I won't free Aylin til I do because it's just too much risk otherwise. Speed potions and my entire party focuses on taking it down.

Give her the benefit of a better set up. Off the mindflayer before you free her. Blind Myrkul so she can go to the area without bonechill without getting nailed by an opportunity attack. She's much more helpful this way.

If you are struggling in this fight you aren't set up right. I posted this in another thread but will copy/paste here.

Get to level 10. Then:

  1. Arrow of darkness to blind him - takes his bite out quite a bit, will have to reapply periodically. He missed most of his attacks this way and couldn't pull us to the middle.
  2. Arrow of ilmater to prevent him from benefiting from the little necromites that heal him - you will have to reapply every turn.
  3. Take out the mindflayer while Ketheric is still there so you can focus on Myrkul alone - the mindflayer is too dangerous to ignore and is why I won't skip the Ketheric form.

My party was Astarion to keep those arrows fired, Throwzerker w/TB Karlach, Monk 8/Rogue 2 Tav, and Shadowheart Light Cleric for healing and light of lathander for some powerful spell pops.

This fight is probably the hardest in the game because you have to commit once you're in it - you can tuck tail back to camp. So you need a good party composition, high enough level, and a strategy beforehand.

My first few runs I was so bad about hoarding and never using, but those two arrows in particular are a game changer for this fight. Please come back and let us know how you succeed =)

And also - I am sorry. Getting that far to TPK stinks, this is the hardest fight in the game because you have no way to back out and your party isn't fully ready to roll yet. I hope next run goes better! :(

Am I reading right that you were level 8? You were under leveled - this is a tough fight. Next time go the completionist route and get to level 10. Additional tips that helped:

1) Arrow of darkness to blind him - takes his bite out quite a bit, will have to reapply periodically. He missed most of his attacks this way and couldn't pull us to the middle.

2) Arrow of ilmater to prevent him from benefiting from the little necromites that heal him - you will have to reapply every turn.

3) Take out the mindflayer while Ketheric is still there so you can focus on Myrkul alone - the mindflayer is too dangerous to ignore and is why I won't skip the Ketheric form.

My party was Astarion to keep those arrows fired, Throwzerker w/TB Karlach, Monk 8/Rogue 2 Tav, and Shadowheart Light Cleric for healing and light of lathander for some powerful spell pops.

I've also heard to do some AOE stuff to take care of the necromites but truthfully at level 10 I just ignored them, nothing they did stung enough to care. Bringing some summons will help absorb some of their hits but I really just ignored them.

Yes, the name of it is the Librarian if you mouseover it.

I don't know, that sounds like she might be a cultist if she's an abselutist!

I can beat this. My first playthrough I thought waypoints were just map markers. I got through most of act 2 before I realized fasttravel is a thing :)

I really think my subsequent playthroughs have been much fewer hours just because I'm not walking all over the damn place :D

I think her given name would be Selution!



*angrily shoves upvote at you*

Ilmater arrows prevent the healing effect for Myrkul, for the future. (I also like darkness arrows to keep him blind.)