Taurus is awesome. Upgraded mine to an andromeda, but bang for buck the Taurus is pretty much king. Stupid struts though.

1) it’s alpha. “Friendly” isn’t quite the right term

2) yes, you can do solo stuff, but the shenanigans you’ll get up to w other people in multi crew situations is far superior. Definitely find an org!

3) bunker missions are fun, but I can’t wait for cargo missions

Look, not my thing, but I gotta ask - is a tattoo the thing you look for deals on, or maybe just buy-once-cry-once?

Pretty sure my lab has eaten most of them 🫤

Fat fury, 600i rework, Zeuses, Galaxy, and a theoretical Pisces++

And is it per-char or per-account?

Is it still possible to get those shoulders, or did you have to make the rank way back in the day even to get the transmog?

Connie, Pisces, or F8 Lightning depending upon what I’m doing

Centro downtown is, if not *authentic*, probably still the best upscale Mexican restaurant I've found in the Triangle. Patches cheerfully accepted.

I plan to do a Culture-ship style name for my 600i, but am waiting for after the rework for inspiration.

Our Koda would like to meet (and probably runaway with) your Koda!

I will say as a mostly solo space whale, getting won over by large(r) ships. Just picked up a redeemer and am looking forward to going brrrrrrrrt with friends from a large org.

Absolutely join an org, shoot a note out on discord, and have people man some turrets!

When you absolutely, positively, need them to know you're a Holy Priest.

Zeus Mk II, Galaxy, and whatever that new Mirai heavy fighter thing is gonna be.

mine is silent, but oh so deadly

Miss, dump this guy and move on. He hasn't matured enough to care about you as a person--he just cares about you as an object. Plenty of other fish in the sea that care a lot more about your attitude and principles than your cup size.